Woodlouse Hunter Spider Infestations in Deptford, NJ; Identification, Habitat, Diet, Bite & More
The Woodlouse Hunter is a spider that is not easily missed. It is only about 5/8 of an inch in size. However, its vibrant red body and large head makes it stand out. The woodlouse hunter spider is native to Europe but is now widely spread throughout the world, including New Jersey. Although the woodlouse hunter spider likes to live outside in gardens and other urban areas, they will occasionally wander inside homes and other structures from time to time. Ross Environmental Solutions will share more about the Woodlouse Hunter spider.
Woodlouse Hunter Spider Identification
The woodlouse hunter spider has six eyes instead of the typical eight. Six eyes is a common trait in all the hunter spider species. One unique trait however, is that the woodlouse hunter spider’s eyes are clustered together in the center of its head, instead of being more spread out. The woodlouse hunter spider’s Cephalothorax is brightly colored, ranging from orange to a deep brown reddish color. While the abdomen is lighter, typically a tan or pale gray color, both of the thorax and abdomen are equal in size and oval shaped. The legs of the woodlouse hunter spider are slender, with two small claws on the end of each leg, which has tiny hairs to help them climb better. The legs are lightly colored orange or yellow. The head of the woodlouse hunter spider includes overly sized jaws which is essential for helping them hunt for their selected prey.
Where Do Infestations of Woodlouse Hunter Spiders Live?
The woodlouse hunter spider is mainly found in urban gardens, fields and forests. They are also commonly found in damp or warm places. They will hide under rocks, stones and logs. If they enter into homes, they are most often seen in cellars or bathrooms. They don’t spin webs to catch prey. Rather, they may create a silken retreat under stones or the barks of trees to hide under during the day and wait for their next meal. The woodlouse hunter spider is a nocturnal hunter.
What Do Woodlouse Hunter Spiders Eat?
Their primary diet is terrestrial isopod crustaceans, or as other people may know them: wood lice, rollie pollies, or snow bugs. They will even feed on arthropods. They use their large fangs to roll the hard shelled bugs over to get to their underbelly which is much softer in order to kill their prey. The woodlouse hunter spider is active all year round and occasionally wanders inside homes and other human structures.
Woodlouse Hunter Spider Bite
The bite from a woodlouse hunter spider is very painful given the size and strength of the fangs. However they are not venomous to humans. Nonetheless, it is recommended that you do not provoke them as their bite does hurt. Some people have a severe allergic reaction to woodlouse hunter spider bites and that can be dangerous.
Spider Control
Spiders are everywhere and in most cases; they prefer to live outside where their natural food sources can be found. However, if you want to avoid an encounter of woodlouse hunter spiders, contact Ross Environmental Solutions. We can provide a pest control program to help keep spiders and any other pests out of your home. Contact Ross Environmental Solutions today!