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The Ross Report

Welcome to The Ross Report where you can read all about the latest happenings at Ross Environmental Solutions!

Pest Technician Saves Life!

We couldn’t be more grateful that one of our pest technicians, Louis Martello, recently saved a customer’s life by doing CPR while he was servicing the property! Louis was investigating a squirrel problem at Ivy Hill Apartments in Camden, NJ, and was being escorted around the commercial property by a representative of the apartments. Suddenly, as they were walking the property, the representative fell to the ground. Louis immediately checked for a pulse and when he didn’t find one, he sprung into action and began performing CPR at which time the representative thankfully gained consciousness and an ambulance was called. We are pleased to report he made a full recovery and is now back at work!

Employee Article Published in Magazine

Ross Environmental Solutions are pleased to report that one of our valued employees, Hugh Carberry, wrote an article that was published in a The Fisherman magazine. The article is entitled “BLACK DRUM: FROM DELAWARE TO GREAT BAY” by Hugh Carberry. The article spotlights a Delaware Bay tradition that sees black drum migration expansion and booming new opportunities .. and offers lots of helpful tips for catching black drum fish!

Take Our Sons & Daughters to Work Day

rossOn the fourth Thursday of April, employees across the United States invite their children to join them at work. Ross Environmental Solutions was delighted to have two boys and a girl spend the day with us learning about pests and the work their parents do. While they all wanted to go out and trap a pest such as a raccoon or snake, they all enjoyed learning about the other pest control jobs performed by our staff. Pictured from left to right are: Freddie Gomez and Gigi, Tia Cody and Gerald, David Brace and Joe.

Ribbon Cutting for Williamstown Sunrise Rotary

Ross Environmental Solutions were grateful for the opportunity to help raise $150K for the construction of a handicap accessible playground at Mary Duffy Field. This handicap accessible playground is the only one of its kind in South New Jersey.

Scheduled Events

Harry Ross to be President of New Jersey Pest Management Association

The New Jersey Pest Management Association (NJPMA) is one of the oldest pest management associations in America with over 300 member companies. We are so proud of Harry Ross and can’t wait to see what he accomplishes as President of the NJPMA!

Annual Ross Environmental Solutions BBQ

The BBQ is an annual event held during the summer as a way to say thank you to our valued employees for the hard work they do, especially during the busy summer pest season.

Exhibit at Art Show

Our own Harry Ross will be exhibiting one of his recent pieces of art at the Greenfield Senior Living Center in Glassboro, NJ hosted by George Kaiser Art School. The art show is set for August and we hope to see you there! Following is some of Harry’s impressive artwork:

MS 150 Bike Race

Bike MS: City to Shore is a two day event, with route options for all cycling abilities from 25-180 miles. Harry is looking forward to bike riding through the flat terrain and back roads of South Jersey to the blueberry fields of Hammonton this September. Harry has been participating in this event for over 20 years!

Harvey Goldglantz will be inducted into the Pest Control Hall of Fame

This October, Harvey Goldglantz will be inducted into the Pest Control Hall of Home hosted by Pestworld. Harvey has been involved in the pest industry for as long as we can remember. He is a close friend of Harry Ross’s and Ross Environmental Solutions, and we are excited to see him receive this well deserved accomplishment!

Ross Environmental Solutions Service Manager, Hugh Carberry, Featured in Pest Control Technology Magazine

4/2023: We are thrilled to announce that Hugh Carberry, our dedicated Service Manager at Ross Environmental Solutions, has been recognized for his expertise in pest control. His article on Bat Exclusions was recently published in the April 2023 edition of Pest Control Technology Magazine.

In the article, Hugh shares valuable insights and strategies for effective bat exclusions, showcasing his profound knowledge in the field. We invite you to read the full article here to learn more about the innovative solutions Hugh brings to the world of pest control.

Congratulations, Hugh, on this well-deserved recognition for your contributions to the industry!

Ross Environmental Solutions Service Manager, Hugh Carberry, Continues to Shine in Pest Control Expertise

1/2024: We are delighted to share yet another achievement from our esteemed Service Manager, Hugh Carberry, at Ross Environmental Solutions. Following his success with the article on Bat Exclusions in April 2023, Hugh has once again made his mark in the industry with a second publication.

In the January 2024 edition of Pest Control Technology Magazine, Hugh’s expertise takes center stage as he explores effective strategies for Raccoon Management. His in-depth insights and practical approaches make this article a must-read for anyone in the pest control field.

You can access Hugh’s latest article here to delve into the world of raccoon management and discover innovative solutions to challenges in the field.

Congratulations, Hugh, on your continued contributions to advancing pest control knowledge and expertise!

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