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Commercial Fly Control Services

Call ROSS today at 1-800-PEST-CONTROL and we’ll customize an environmentally responsible Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, specifically targeted to control fly populations. IPM for flies is a long-term strategy designed to keep pest levels below desirable thresholds through inspections, sanitation recommendations, biological, mechanical and cultural controls, exclusion, and the judicious use of materials if necessary.

Since the beginning of time, flies have been a nuisance to man. The control of their populations is important from both a human and animal health perspective. They can ruin food and transmit numerous diseases, such as food poisoning, conjunctivitis, tuberculosis, anthrax and dysentery. Some flies can even inflict painful bites while feeding on the blood of people and animals

Ross will find the best solution for your situation, such as:


Breeding-site elimination is the key to successful small fly control. Since many species of flies breed inside and they have a very short life cycle, just killing adults will not keep the problem under control. Additional adults will emerge daily if the breeding sites are not eliminated.

Drain flies typically breed in the scum called a bio-film that forms in drains and other areas where dirty water runs frequently over an undisturbed surface. Fruit flies can breed in drains, too, but drains are the only problem less than 25 percent of the time. Fruit flies can breed in any crack, crevice, or other area where food and moisture collect and are undisturbed: all the areas that should be cleaned, but aren’t.


Just as sanitation is the key to successful fly management, inspection is the key to sanitation. To eliminate fly breeding sites, one must first locate the attracting material. Often this can only be accomplished by conducting a thorough inspection of the premises, and by knowing what to look for and where to look. First, we identify the flies involved, inspect for material that attracts that species and then recommend sanitation procedures to eliminate the material.

The Solution? Call ROSS today at 1-800-PEST-CONTROL and we’ll customize an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program for your business.


Another important step in fly management is to exclude them from the premises. This is done by keeping doors, windows and vents closed as much is practical, and by screening and sealing around these and other entry points. Automatic door closing devices and air curtains that blow air away from doorways also can be installed to supplement an integrated fly management program.

Mechanical Control

Mechanical fly control includes trapping. Ultraviolet light traps are another example of this type of control. To be effective light traps must be properly placed.

Product Control

Low impact, environmentally responsible materials, can be a valuable component of an integrated fly management program. Many of the products we use today are considered Green materials. Your pest management professional will discuss the specific products recommended for use in your establishment.

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Or call ROSS at 1-800-PEST-CONTROL and we’ll customize an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program for your business.

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