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Winter Rodent Control in Absecon, NJ; How to Prevent & Get Rid of Mice & Rats in Your Home

The winter season is here and the temperatures are dropping, which means mice, rats and other rodents will be looking for warm places to hide out through the cold winter season. The National Pest Management Association reports that over 21 million homes will become infested by rodents each winter. If you are not prepared for a rodent infestation, you may want to get ready now. Ross Environmental Solutions will share why and how you can prepare for rodents this winter season.

Can Rodents & Rodent Droppings Make You Sick?

Homeowners and business owners all need to prepare for rodents come winter. Rodents will invade homes in search of food and a warm place to live. With the right conditions, rodents can thrive in urban environments. Rodents themselves pose a number of threats. Both mice and rats are known to carry viruses and pathogens, including Hantavirus and Salmonella. The prime source of contamination can be in their urine and feces, or in the parasites they carry such as fleas and ticks. Along with posing a health hazard, rodents tend to be very destructive.

Can Rats & Mice Cause a Fire & Other Property Damage?

Rodents will chew through walls, pipes, and electrical wiring. If rodents begin chewing on the electrical wiring in your home or business, it can lead to a fire. Due to the hazards and health threats rodent pose they need to be kept out of the home.

What is the Best Way to Prevent a Rodent Infestation?

To control rodents there are steps that the homeowner needs to take. First the homeowner will need to eliminate any water or food source inside and outside of the home such as addressing leaky plumbing and removing pet food dishes after feeding. Inside the home keep all food stored in containers, avoid leaving out snacks, and clean dirty dishes right away. To keep rodents out of your home you will want to look for possible ways they can enter the residence. Cracks and holes inside and outside of the home need to be sealed. Rodents will also use connected tree branches and shrubs to climb up and enter the home so keep landscaping trimmed back.

Rodent Control

It is a lot of work keeping rodents out of your home and even with all of your efforts, rodents will still want to get inside your home. This is where combining your efforts with pest control services adds an additional layer of rodent prevention. A professional pest control service such as Ross Environmental Solutions can help in a number of ways. We can start with an inspection of the property to determine the presence and species of rodents, as well as the best way to get rid of them. Further, we can help keep future rodents out of your home with our rodent exclusion services. When you have a rodent problem this winter season, seek professional pest control services. Call Ross Environmental Solutions today.

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