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Why are Cockroaches a Problem in Your Restaurant & How to Prevent Roaches in Woodbury, NJ

Cockroaches are one of those pests that make your skin crawl. The way they scurry out of what seem to be the filthiest living conditions is enough to make restaurant owners not want them in their establishment. In fact, the last thing a restaurant owner wants is their dining area to be associated with this filthy pest. When cockroaches become a problem, all it takes is for one customer to see one and they will leave scathing reviews that can prove to be detrimental to your business. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about why cockroaches are so bad for business in the food industry.

What Adverse Effects Do Cockroaches have on a Food Facility?

Bugs and food simply don’t mix. That is a pretty universal take on the situation. Most people don’t want to see an insect anywhere near where they are eating, let alone a cockroach. These pests are associated with filth because they are the carriers of many diseases that can make people extremely sick when they eat food that has been contaminated by roaches. They carry many of the diseases that often lead to food poisoning. On top of that, their presence will most definitely bring on government inspections of your restaurant. If you fail several of these, you can guarantee that the doors of your restaurant will end up closing for good.

How Do I Keep Roaches Out of My Food Establishment?

Following are some of the best ways that you can be proactive and keep cockroaches out of your restaurant to start with.
– Empty Trash Often: You need to make sure the trash is being emptied on a regular basis throughout the day. The rotting food in your restaurant will be just as appealing, if not more, to cockroaches. Make sure all of your trash is being stored in containers with tight fitting lids as well.
– Keep Restaurant Clean & Clutter Free: Cockroaches are far more likely to infest a place that is cluttered. They need a place to hide out during daylight hours. If you’re keeping your restaurant clean and clutter free, there is a smaller chance of an infestation.
– Fix Water Leaks: Water is another thing that is attractive to these pests. They are looking for water just as much as they are looking for their next meal. If there are any drains or pipes that aren’t working as they should, or are leaking, you need to make sure they are fixed as soon as possible.
– Pest Sealing: There are more than likely some cracks and holes somewhere that cockroaches are getting in through. Inspect your building and use caulking to close these up.

Cockroach Control

If you have noticed signs of cockroaches in your restaurant, don’t hesitate to call on the pest pros at Ross Environmental Solutions to come and take care of the problem. We have the experience needed to get rid of cockroaches for good. Call us today!

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