Who Do You Call for a Mold Inspection, Removal & Remediation in Gloucester County, NJ?
Mold is problem that should be taken seriously. All mold has certain levels of health risks, some mosre severe than others. But those with allergies, respiratory problems, and asthma can suffer from any kind of mold that may be present in your household. Mold can cause damages to your home over time and become costly to repair and remove if left unchecked. Ross Environmental Solutions will expound on how inspections and mold removal is necessary, and can help your family’s wellbeing.
Home Mold Testing Kit
There are many types of mold testing kits on the market today. Some tests will usually come with a swab that you can use to collect and test the mold that is present. Other tests are used to collect mold grown in an incubator and sent to labs for testing. There are some down sides to home testing kits. Some can be vague on the types of molds that are present and how severe. That is why many researchers and professionals will strongly encourage that home mold test kits is just step one in discovering if you have mold in your home.
Hiring a Mold Inspector
Hiring a professional mold inspector is the next best step if you are concerned that mold is present in your home. We can conduct a visual search of your home, especially in those prime locations where molds grow the best, such as bathrooms, laundry rooms, and kitchens. Rooms with high moisture and warm temperatures are the areas mold grows the best. Your mold inspector may also use a device or tool called a sniffer. This tool measures the air for any air borne particles that contains mold spores. If mold is discovered we can also take samples to a lab for testing to see what types of mold is present in your home and the best way to remove the mold.
Mold Removal Services
For small areas where mold has been discovered, you can treat it if the mold’s growth isn’t too deep. Using a spray bottle with bleach diluted with water can kill molds that are on the surface. Create a mixture of ½ cup of bleach with one quart of water. This will kill many weaker molds that are considered to be fresh growth. However in situations where the molds weren’t discovered until much later, the mold could have grown very deep into the hosted material. You will need a professional to come and treat it. In the more severe cases you will need to remove the infected material and replace it. If you are talking about insulation, wooden framing, roofing etc. this can become very expensive. Depending on the mold’s location treatment can vary. Each will take a different approach. Molds will be chemically treated and the area dried. Depending on the types of mold that is present will determine how to chemically treat your mold, but drying is essential in killing and removing the mold. Most molds grow in moist warm climates but there are those few who have adapted to living in cold moist climates. The common problem is the moisture. That is why it is important to keep up with plumbing repairs and leaky water pipes. Prevention will help save you money and the dangers of molds.
Mold Remediation
We here at Ross Environmental Solutions are determined to fight molds, for all homeowners and business owners as well. We want you and your loved ones safe from these harmful molds that can cause many forms of respiratory problems and in some cases even death. If you are worried about the presence of mold in your home or business, contact Ross Environmental Solutions!