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Where Do Wolf Spiders Live? How to Get Rid of Any Inside My Mantua Township, NJ House

The wolf spider species can be found all across America and more often than not, in your backyard. Wolf spiders are one of the larger species of spider that is commonly found in homes. Many people fear these spiders due to their size and automatically assume they are dangerous. However, they normally don’t pose a serious threat. Even so, no one wants spiders running around their home. Ross Environmental Solutions will share how to properly identify and control wolf spiders in your home.

Wolf Spider Identification

Wolf spiders have a hairy body much like tarantulas. Some wolf spiders species can reach up to 2 inches including leg span. Wolf spider coloring can vary from black and gray to browns. They almost always have two dark stripe-like patterns going down form the cephalothorax into their abdomen. Sometimes there is a single stripe pattern. This varies in each species of wolf spider. The wolf spider has eight eyes. Most species of spider have eyes that surround their head. The wolf spider’s eyes are in front, clustered together, making two sets of four eyes. Another trait of the wolf spider is they are quick runners and can take off very suddenly.

Where Do Wolf Spiders Live?

Wolf spiders don’t spin webs like most spider species do. Instead they create burrows which they hide in during the day. They hunt at night for anything they able to take down. Some wolf spiders have killed birds, lizards and other spiders and insects. Wolf spiders often do wander indoors either to seek shelter or by accident. They prefer the outdoors. However when they do wander inside, they can be seen around windows, near doors, and in basements. During the night you may see them moving around your home looking for prey.

Do Wolf Spiders Bite?

Many people have a natural fear of spiders and especially the larger they get. However when it comes to wolf spiders keep in mind that they don’t possess much of a threat and even will help maintain the bug population around your home. For those who are not faint of heart, will even allow them to live in their homes or simply take them back outside. It is not recommended you mess with a wolf spider. When they feel threatened, they do bite and it will hurt. Their bites are not harmful to people. However it can hurt much like a wasp or bee sting. Wolf spiders will typically run away first. When they feel threatened they will rear up on their front legs exposing their jaw before biting. This will give some warning.

Wolf Spider Infestation Prevention

Wolf spiders can enter homes through gaps or cracks around doors and windows. Occasionally they are brought in by our furry friends as sometimes our pets may be roaming outside and a wolf spider can climb on them. To help keep wolf spiders out of your home, make sure to have your home’s doors and windows properly sealed and any cracks around your foundation sealed with caulking glue.

Spider Extermination

Your best defense from wolf spiders and other pests is using a professionl pest control service. Ross Environmental Solutions can provide a quality pest control program to keep pests out of your home or business. For all your pest control needs, contact Ross Environmental Solutions.

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