Where Do Bed Bugs Hide During the Day & How to Get Rid of A Bud Bug Infestation in Bridgeton, NJ
Bed bugs are a real threat to people in many circumstances. Some people naively believe they only infest motels or homes that are dirty and messy. That is not true at all and bed bugs have been found in many types of home health care centers, airports, high end hotels, immaculate homes and much more. All a bed bug wants is the chance to feed on the blood of a host. That means that anywhere people live, a bed hug is willing to go. Bed bugs often hitch a ride to a new location by attaching to someone’s clothes, luggage or bedding. The more you travel or are in large groups, the more your chances increase for coming into contact with them. If you suspect bed bugs you want to be sure that you have them inspected and treated as soon as possible!
Ross Environmental Lists Where Bed Bugs Hide During the Day & How To Get Rid Of Them
Where Do Bed Bugs Hide During the Day?: If you think you have bed bugs, the inspection will look at all areas of the home to ensure they have pin pointed all the places bed bugs may be hiding. There are some areas that are more common and that will include, as you might suspect, the beds and mattresses. The bed bug did gain its name because it is found in mattresses and bedding but bed bugs don’t stay confined to these areas. They are also found on couches, sofas and other pieces of furniture that are upholstered. Bed bugs can be hiding in the headboard, framing and the dressers and nightstands as well. Other places bed bugs have been found include behind paintings and electrical outlet covers. They are hard to detect because of their size and the fact that they stay hidden away in the daylight hours and come out only at night to feed on your blood. Some less common areas they are found are on clothing and attached to backpacks, purses and pieces of luggage. These are all items that can be left next to other people’s belongings and that is all that it takes for a bed bug to hitch a ride. They won’t normally stay on carpeting or rugs for long but have been known to hang around on the carpet for some time. If you suspect that you have bed bugs you cannot just treat that one particular area since they tend to move around to other areas as well. A professional bed bug inspection is the best way to find out where the infestation is and what areas need to be treated.
Bed Bug Treatment; How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Fast: If you think you have bed bugs or you have confirmed it with a bed bug inspection you want to hire a professional to completely remove them. They are an extremely hard pest to kill and it takes expertise and very particular treatments to treat a bed bug infestation. A pest control company that specializes in bed bugs will offer what treatment will work pest whether that is heat, chemical or something else.
Bed Bug Inspections & Removal Services
Ross Environmental Solutions offers thorough bed bug inspections as well as removal treatments. Contact us for all your pest control needs!