When is Mosquito Season & What Time of Day do Mosquitoes Come Out in Mantua Township, NJ?
Mosquitoes are one of the most dreaded pests that come with warm weather each year. They have a knack for ruining the time you are looking to spend outside. Their bites are not only irritating, but there are several mosquito species that carry dangerous diseases including West Nile virus, Zika Virus, Yellow Fever and Dengue. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about mosquitoes and when you need to be concerned about them in your yard.
Beginning of Mosquito Season
The emerging of mosquitoes from winter comes from the weather. If it is too cold, eggs won’t hatch and mosquitoes won’t come out of their hiding places. You can plan on mosquitoes coming out of hibernation when the weather is consistently above 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Even at this threshold, you will see very few mosquitoes because they thrive when the weather is at its warmest.
Prepare for Mosquitoes Before the Season Hits
Most people like to forget about these pests until they have to think about them again. The problem with this is that you will likely have an establish mosquito population if you wait that long. You should be preparing for mosquitoes long before the first bite. Before the temperature reaches that ideal 50 degree threshold, you should take the appropriate measures to ensure you are ready for it.
Remove Standing Water on Your Property to Prevent Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes need to have standing water to lay their eggs. It doesn’t need to be very much standing water either. Following are some of the most common areas that mosquitoes will try to lay their eggs on your property:
– Bird Baths: While watching different bird species may be appealing, if you don’t have some sort of pump that is constantly moving the water, you could have a mosquito problem on your hands.
– Clogged Gutters: You should be cleaning out your gutters to get ready for the summer rain storms we experience here in NJ, but you also don’t want water pooling up in gutters for mosquitoes either.
– Old Tires & Other Debris: There are several areas that water can accumulate. Any debris like old tires or trash that is lying around your yard is an ideal place for mosquitoes to lay their eggs.
– Low Lying Areas: If your yard has any low lying areas that will accumulate water, it is best to fill them in to avoid mosquito problems.
– Hollow Logs: Hollow logs or old tree stumps are areas that will accumulate water as well. Not only does this attract mosquitoes, but also termites. It’s best to get rid of any old decaying wood on your property.
Mosquito Control
At Ross Environmental Solutions, we know what a big problems mosquitoes are, and the threat that they pose to society. If you have had problems with them in the past, you can count on us to eradicate mosquitoes in your yard so you can enjoy the outdoors this summer. Call us today!