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What’s Worse Rats or Mice in Mount Holly, NJ? Rodent Damage, Diseases, Aggressive Behavior & More

The thought of rodents in your home is almost more than most homeowners can handle. It doesn’t matter if you have rats or mice in your home, they are most definitely unwelcomed guests. When you are faced with rodents in your home, it’s important that you know what you’re dealing with. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about the difference between rats and mice so that you know what to look for if they get into your home.

Rats are Bigger than Mice

The biggest and most obvious difference between rats and mice is definitely their size. Rats are considerably larger and heavier than mice are. If you notice a large mouse running through your home, you are more than likely dealing with a rat rather than a mouse. While rats are larger in size, they can still easily get into your home. All a rat needs is a hole the size of a quarter to squeeze on through your walls. Mice on the other hand, will only need a hole the size of a dime to gain access into your home.

Differences Between a Rat & Mouse

There are several other differences that can be found when you are comparing a rat and a mouse side by side. Following is what you can look for to differentiate between the two:
– Rodent Nose: Both of these rodents have pointy noises. However, a rat’s nose is more prominent than a mouse’s. You will notice that a rat has a much longer and pointer nose than a mouse does.
– Rodent Ears: Mice have large ears that tend to be larger than their head. Rats usually have much smaller ears that have dark hair on them.
– Rodent Tails: Mice have tails that are covered in hair. They are usually long and skinny. A rat’s tail on the other hand, are hairless. Not only that, but they are also thick and long. Their tails are also light colored which makes them stand out.
– Rodent Droppings: The droppings left behind by a mouse are tiny and rod-shaped. Any droppings left by rats are larger and resemble capsules.
– Rodent Nesting: The way that these two animals nest are different as well. When rats build their nests, they tend to burrow down, either into the ground or into your house. A mouse will build its nest in anything soft. They have been known to build nests in insulation, furniture, clothing, boxes and more.

Which is Worse; Rats or Mice?

Neither rats nor mice are better or worse to have in your home. Because of their size, a single rat is more aggressive and can cause more damage than a single mouse. However mice are more prolific than rats and multiply quicker. Unfortunately, both of these rodent species can cause extensive problems for your home and family in terms of bacteria, disease and property damage.

Rodent Control

If you notice any signs that there are rats or mice living in your home, you need to call on the experts at Ross Environmental Solutions to get rid of them as soon as possible. Mice and rats can reproduce at an alarming rate which makes an infestation a real concern when you spot them inside your home. We can get rid of them in no time with our experience and expertise. Call us today!

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