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What Does it Mean when You have Flying Termites in Absecon, NJ? How to Protect Your Home & More

Termites are one of those pests that homeowners hope they never have to deal with. They can cause significant damage to your home that could end up cost you thousands of dollars when all is said and done. While termites can stay active all year long, you may start to notice them even more as the weather starts to warm up. It is time to be on your guard as a homeowner. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about termites and what behaviors you can expect this time of year.

What is Termite Swarm Season?

If you ever see what looks like a termite flying outside your windows, it’s time to get a termite inspection done right away. This time of the year, there are swarms of flying termites around as they seek out a place to build a nest and start a new colony. Termites build nests both underground as well as above depending on the species you are dealing with. Swarming termites around your home can mean one of two things.
– You already have a termite infestation
– There is a good chance that you are going to have a termite infestation soon

Do All Termites have Wings?

Some termites, also known as swarmers, fly while others do not. The winged termites only have their wings for a short time before they shed them. Within a colony, there are four different castes of termites that include the queen, workers, soldiers and alates or winged termites. This means that most termites in a colony don’t actually ever fly.

How Do Termites Spread from House to House & Enter Homes?

Most of the time, termites gain access to your home when there is wood making contact with the ground. This often happens when you have a deck that is resting on the ground, door frames or porch steps or supports. Termites may also get into your home if there are cracks in the foundation of your home as well. Termites are often attracted to wood that has already sustained some sort of damage and is soft as this is easier for them to eat.

How to Protect Your Home Against Termites

There are several steps you can take to protect your home from termites and the damage they cause. Following are some tips to help you avoid this costly pest.
– Repair any moisture issues that can leave wood damaged and susceptible.
– Remove any fallen trees or other piles of old wood from your property.
– Don’t use wood that is untreated when completing projects around your home.
– Don’t put mulch near your foundation.
– Avoid stacking firewood near your home.

Termite Inspections & Treatments

If you have noticed any signs that indicate you have a termite problem like swarmers, its’ time to call on the professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to come take a look. We will perform a termite inspection to see if you have an infestation on your hands. Call us today!

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