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What Causes Clothes Moths in Your Ocean City, NJ House? Best Moth Repellent & More

The moths you see flying around your house likely aren’t the moths that cause the most damage to your furnishings. These flying moths are most likely pantry pests that are attracted to grains and other foods. While they are a problem as they contaminate the food your family eats, we will address pantry moths and pests in future blogs. This blog is concerned with clothes moths that aren’t likely to be seen since they detest light. They are sneaky and you often don’t know they are there until you notice the damage they have left in their wake. What’s even more interesting, is it isn’t adult clothes moths that cause this damage. Rather, you need to be aware of the larvae; they are the pests that eat through carpet and fabrics.

Basic Cleaning Helps Get Rid of Moth Larvae

Because moth larvae don’t like light, it is in dark closets where clothes aren’t often worn or carpet found beneath a couch or chair that clothes moths often hide. Tidying up your house and keeping it especially clean helps keep these destructive creatures away from your home.

Vacuum Often to Prevent Clothes Moths

When you vacuum often, it removes any eggs and larvae from your carpeting. Don’t just vacuum the open areas, but move furniture and vacuum the carpet found underneath. This is likely where the eggs have been laid and larvae are causing problems.

Where Do Clothes Moths Come from?

Moths can gain access through very tight quarters. It doesn’t matter how tight you pack your belongings, they are still susceptible to moth damage. Before storing your coats and other belongings for long or short term storage, try taking them outside and brushing them vigorously. This will remove any possible eggs and larvae already on them. Once they are stored in a container, you should avoid using mothballs. They do more harm than good. Lavender has been proven to keep moths away. They don’t love the scent, but you will. You can use lavender sachets or lavender oil to keep them away. Storing your belongings in a cedar container will also keep moths away. This wood is naturally filled with oils that are released and actually kill moths and their larvae.

Identification of Clothes Moths & Carpet Pests

You won’t usually see the insects themselves when you are dealing with moths and other carpet pests. Moths usually leave behind small holes as well as a cocoon-like silky webbing on your clothing. Carpet beetles leave behind tiny skins that look like small grains of rice. You may be able to mend some blankets and clothing that has sustained damage from moths, but there may be many items that you have to throw out due to irreparable damage. Before putting all of your furniture and clothing items back after treatment, make sure you have thoroughly cleaned the area to avoid another infestation.

Moth & Carpet Pest Control

Getting rid of and controlling moths and other carpet pests is best left to a professional. Your carpet as well as your carpet pad need to be treated to get rid of the problem completely. A pest control company like Ross Environmental Solutions has the experience as tools needed to get your moth and carpet pest problem completely solved. Don’t let these destructive pests ruin your clothing or carpet. Contact Ross Environmental Solutions for all your pest control needs!

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