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What are the Symptoms of a Cockroach Allergy & How to Find Relief in Absecon, NJ

When you suffer from allergies of any kind, it can be miserable. So miserable in fact, that you will do anything to figure out what is causing it so you can make it stop. What many people don’t know is that not only plants, dogs and cats can cause allergies but cockroaches can as well. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about cockroach allergies and explain the symptoms so you can be aware enough to recognize the problem if you have one.

A Cockroach Allergy is one of the Most Common Indoor Allergies

Until 1960, there wasn’t much research conducted on cockroach allergies but once studies were performed, it was clear that the enzymes in proteins found in the saliva and excrement from cockroaches were causing allergy symptoms in human beings. In fact, those studies show this is one of the most common indoor allergies that people suffer from.

Cockroach Allergy Symptoms

If you suffer from cockroach allergies, you may notice the symptoms are somewhat similar to other allergies. They are most similar to dust mite and seasonal allergies. Symptoms may include sneezing, runny nose, coughing, headaches, watery eyes and more. The difference with cockroach allergies is the fact that these symptoms will usually last much longer than normal seasonal allergies would. They can even be so severe that they cause you to develop asthma. This problem is noticeably worse in young children and the elderly.

How to Treat Your Home to Find Relief from Cockroach Allergies

If you notice that cockroach allergy symptoms are starting to interfere with your lifestyle, it may be time to take action. Following are some of the things you can do to get rid of your cockroach allergy symptoms:
Clean Your House as Clutter Attracts Cockroaches: You should avoid having piles of laundry, dirty dishes and other belongings strewn around your home to avoid cockroach allergies. Straighten up and see what a big difference it makes in your symptoms.
Seal Leaks to Keep Roaches Away: Cockroaches are highly attracted to water. If there are damp places in your home or you are experiencing leaks of any kind, they should be fixed promptly and sealed off to avoid cockroaches.
Store Food in Pest Proof Containers: You food should be stored in air tight containers to avoid attracting cockroaches as well. They will need a food source and are far from picky eaters.
Clean Floors to Keep Roaches Away: You should be sweeping, mopping and vacuuming your floors regularly to keep them from having attractants all over them that appeal to cockroaches. This will also clean up anything that cockroaches could have left around your home.
Store Trash Properly for Cockroach Prevention: As mentioned above, cockroaches are not picky eaters. They will raid your trash if it isn’t stored properly for their next meal.

Cockroach Control

If you are suffering from severe allergies and can’t figure out what is the cause, ask your doctor to test you for cockroach allergies. When you have cockroaches in your home, you can rely on the experts at Ross Environmental Solutions to get rid of them for you. Call us today!

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