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Where Do Wasps Like to Build their Homes in Burlington, NJ; Under Eaves, Under Ground, in BBQ Grill & More

When you have wasps on your property, it can be a dangerous situation. They don’t only sting once like bees. Wasps have the ability to sting someone as many times as they would like without dying. Not only that, but wasps are also much more aggressive than bees are. It is important to you know where wasps usually try and build their nests so that you can be on the lookout for any potential wasp threats this summer. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about some of the most common areas that wasps usually build their nests.

Where are Wasps Nests Commonly Found?

There are several places that wasps will frequently choose to build their nests. To be aware of these areas, we would like to talk about them today.

Wasp Nest in Roof & Under Eaves

The eaves of your home offer exactly what wasps are looking for when choosing a place to build a nest. This area is high so anyone looking to destroy the nest can’t usually reach it. It is out of your line of sight, so they often go unnoticed for a long time. And lastly, the eave gives the nest protection as it is usually under and overhang and in the corner for structural support of the nest.

Do Wasps Build Nests in the Ground?

Many wasps, like yellow jackets, build their nests in the ground. This can make it dangerous when walking around barefoot as any wrong step could lead to a painful sting.

Wasp Nest in Charcoal or Gas BBQ Grill

Your grill is the perfect place for wasps to build their nests as well. If you don’t use your grill on a regular basis, you could very well have a wasp nest in there the next time you open it up to cook on it. You should be especially careful when using it for the first time during the summer season. This enclosed area is ideal for a wasp nest.

Wasp Nest in Patio Umbrella

Many of us rely on an umbrella for shade during the summer. Many umbrellas that aren’t used regularly and are closed much of the time offer a great place for a wasp nest. Be careful next time you go to open up your umbrella for shade.

What King of Wasp Builds a Nest in a Tree?

Paper wasps often build their giant, football shaped nests in the branches of shrubs and trees. As the trees and shrubs get fuller throughout the summer, the nests are hidden nicely away. Before climbing up in a tree, make sure there isn’t a wasp nest waiting there.

Stinging Insect Control

If you are struggling with wasps on your property, it may be time to call on the pros at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get the problem under control. We have the training needed to successfully and safely remove any wasp nests from your property. Call us today!

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