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Why Do Wasps Get So Aggressive in the Fall in Cherry Hill, NJ? Protect Queen, Gather in Houses & More

Wasps are not only a nuisance, but they also carry with them a threat of injury with their stingers. They have the ability to sting over and over again unlike honeybees. Wasps are aggressive in nature, but you may notice that they are even more aggressive as we approach the fall season. There are several reasons for this. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about what makes wasps so aggressive in the fall season versus the summer.

Are Wasp Nests Active in Fall?

The queen has been working all summer to build up her colony. By the time fall gets here, it is more than likely bursting at the seams. There can be up to 1,000 wasps in any given nest once fall approaches. This means that the number of wasps is going to be at its highest at this point and you shouldn’t be surprised to see more wasps that you have throughout the entire summer. This means that there are more wasps that need to be fed and they will all be hunting for food.

What Do Wasps Eat in the Fall?

For wasps, a great deal of their time during the summer will be filled with caring for the larvae in the nest. It is their job to make sure the larvae have enough insects to keep them fed as they turn into adults. During this process, the larvae will be producing a sweet nectar that the adults will feed off of. When the egg laying dies off once fall gets here, so does that nectar. This leaves wasps out searching for it somewhere else. It also leaves them feeling hungrier than ever. With a limited number of food sources, they will be more aggressive as they hunt for food.

Wasps Protect their Queen

The only wasp that is going to survive the winter months is the queen. The adult wasps take protecting her very seriously. They will become increasingly aggressive as the weather starts to change. If they feel that there is a threat to the nest that would harm the queen, they will be more aggressive than they normally would as they work to offer her the protection, they feel she needs.

Wasps Attempt to Gather in Houses to Find Warmth

Wasps can sense that the weather is starting to take a turn. As they feel the cold air coming on, they will be trying to fly into your opened windows and doors more than they normally do. They will be looking for a warm place and a chance at making it through the winter. This is why it is so important to have screens on your windows.

Stinging Insect Control

If you have noticed that you have increasingly aggressive wasps on your property, it isn’t all in your head. They are certainly going to become more aggressive as winter weather starts to show signs of approaching. If you find a nest on your property, you can rely on Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of it. Call us today!

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