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Why are Wasps Attracted to My Lawn & Yard in Bridgeton, NJ? What Keeps Stinging Insects Away?

When it comes to pests in the summer, some of the most unwanted pests are ones that will deliver a painful sting. Wasps are something that many homeowners feel they are battling clear through the summer months and into the fall. These pests can be incredibly aggressive when they feel they are being threatened. If you aren’t careful, you might be attracting them to your yard without realizing it. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about some of the things that you might be doing to invite wasps to your yard.

What Keeps Wasps Away from My Yard?

Many people attract wasps without even knowing what they are doing. There are definitely some things that you can change to make your backyard less hospitable for wasps.
– Limit Flowers: Wasps are a natural pollinator. This is why you will often see them buzzing around the sweet-smelling flowers on your property. If you aren’t happy with the number of wasps in your yard, you can limit the amount of flowering plants you have planted throughout your landscaping.
– Outdoor Dining: Many people look forward to the BBQs that they can have once the weather starts to get warm. If you have a fantastic outdoor space that is perfect for outdoor dining, you are surely going to want to take advantage of it. The problem with outdoor dining is that wasps are attracted to many of the foods that you eat. They are especially attracted to anything syrupy or sugary. However, they will also be attracted to meat as they are carnivorous creatures. Make sure you have all the food at your outdoor gathering covered whenever you aren’t eating.
– Trash Storage: Wasps are not only going to be attracted to the food that you eat, but they will also be attracted to the waste it produces. If you have trash cans that don’t have a tight fitting lid, you might want to invest in some. Wasps are going to be attracted to any trash that you aren’t storing properly. Make sure they don’t have access to your trash.
– Insects: Because wasps are carnivorous by nature, one of the main parts of their diet are other insects. If you have an insect problem, wasps can help to keep it under control. However, then you will have to worry about wasps. It isn’t a great trade off.

What to Do if a Wasp Comes at You

For most people, when they have a wasp buzzing around them, their first reaction is to swat the wasp away. The problem with this reaction is that the wasp will feel threatened. When this happens, they will become increasingly aggressive and will chase you as they try and sting you. The best thing to do is hold still until the wasp decides to move on.

Stinging Insect Removal

If you have found that you have wasps on your property, don’t hesitate to call on the pros at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them. Call us today!

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