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Types of Rats in Mantua Township, NJ; How to Get Rid of Brown Norway & Black Roof Rodents

Rats are a common problem around the world. They are terrible pests that cost homeowners and businesses substantially in repairs to structures, utility lines and property in addition to being a serious health risk with the various diseases and ailments they can spread. In New Jersey, Norway rats and Roof rats are the primary culprits when people report a rat infestation. Today, we at Ross Environmental Solutions would like to share some basic information regarding Roof and Norway rats.

Norway Rat Identification

Norway rats are also frequently referred to as brown rats or sewer rats. They are the gnawing and burrowing rats found in or around New Jersey properties. Their origins are believed to be that of Asia, but they are found all around the world. Norway rats have shorter tails and smaller eyes in comparison to other rat species. These rats frequently feature a lighter underside, ranging from gray to white and are often brown with scattered black hairs. Norway rats are long with blunt muzzles and average 7 – 9 ½ inches in length.

Where Do Norway Rats Live?

Norway rights are generally nocturnal but can be seen in the day if survival depends on it. These rats are most likely to intrude in homes and business looking for a food and water source in the fall when food is scarce but will invade homes all year long if given the opportunity. They have been known to through nearly anything including lead or plastic piping to get to the water. As social rodents, they burrow in close proximity to each other. Outdoors, Norway rats are found in the farmlands, fields, and the structures close by. They prefer to burrow in loose soil that is close to riverbanks as well as under concrete slabs, garbage and wood piles. Inside, they tend to be attracted to basements and will nest under piles of debris or undisturbed clutter. These rats only need a size of a quarter to squeeze through to get inside your home.

Diseases Spread by Norway Rats to Humans

Not only are Norway rats a threat to structures through their gnawing and eating habits, but they are known vectors of diseases that include rat-bite fever, cowpox virus, plague, jaundice, salmonellosis, and trichinosis as well as introduce fleas into home and contaminate food.

What Do Roof Rats Look Like?

Roof rats are also knowns as black rats or ship rats. Roof rats outstanding climbers. These rats are smaller when compared to Norway rats measuring 6-8 inches length. They have either gray, white, or black undersides and the rest of the fur is intermixed of black in their brown coloring. Roof rats have a long and thin tail that is scaly, and their eyes and ears are larger.

Where Do Roof Rats Live

Because these rats have a tendency to use the upper parts of buildings, they are so named roof rats. Like Norway rats, they cause a lot of damage by gnawing habits and are also known to contaminate food and are vectors of dangerous diseases as well. Now found worldwide, roof rats are thought to have originated from Southeast Asia, particularly in the tropical regions.

Rodent Control

No matter which rat species is infesting your New Jersey home or business, Ross Environmental Solutions is readily available to help you eliminate the infestations. Call us today to get started.

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