Tips for Successful Roosting Bird Control in Hammonton, NJ; Deterrent Spikes, Netting & More
Are dirty pigeons, house sparrows, European starlings and other destructive birds damaging your home or commercial property? Then it is time to begin a bird control program to help reduce the population of birds that are feeding and roosting on your building, home and other structures. Pigeons and other destructive birds don’t just cause damage; they can carry dust mites, fleas, ticks, harmful diseases, and pathogens. Ross Environmental Solutions will share a few ways to control birds successfully.
Visual Bird Deterrents
First let’s start with want doesn’t work. Visual scare tactics often do not work. Many people will use light motion sensors, sprinklers, or use false hawks, owls, and snakes to keep birds off their roof and other structures. They may deter some birds in the beginning. However birds will quickly figure out that it is not real or is coming after them and later become accustomed to them.
Stop Feeding Pigeons & Remove Water for Nuisance Birds to Drink
What does work is some basic prevention steps. Start by reducing a possible food and water source. If you have outdoor water features, leave water bowls out for your pets, or have puddles from leaking sprinklers or spouts, then you are providing birds with a reliable water source. Correct these possible water sources along with food. Pigeons and other birds often eat out of garbage cans or disposal areas, pet food, and just about anything else they can find. Look for possible food sources and determine if you need extra control such as spike strips around garbage sites. Remove any other possible food sources and seal any discarded food. You may want to avoid feeding the birds. There are many people who feed wild birds and leave bird feeders outside. Where bird watching is fun for some, it can draw in a large population of birds.
Bird Spikes, Netting & Home Sealing to Repel Roosting Birds
Maintaining a clean and manicured yard also helps deter many birds. Also remove any pigeon nests that you find around your yard or on your home’s roof. You want to discourage the birds from wanting to nest in that area. For areas prone to attract birds, such as roof tops, eaves, and ledges, you can have spike strips installed along with covering the areas with netting or wire mesh. There are many different devices that help prevent birds from landing on top of buildings, street lights, walls and fencing. Professional pest control service companies will often use a single strand of wire spike strips along eaves, roofs, and walls. Since the wire is too thin to grip, birds naturally stay off of these areas. Birds, including pigeons, love making the nest under or inside coves or eaves of buildings. To keep them out, seal the area off with netting or wire mesh. For smaller birds that may be nesting underneath roofing tile, you may want to seal off the smaller cracks or openings with caulking glue to help prevent the smaller birds from damaging your home or buildings.
Nesting Bird Control
If you are dealing with roosting birds on your property, it is recommended you seek professional bird control services. We can determine where and what preventive tools or devices are needed, along with using traps and other prevention methods. If you need help controlling dirty pigeons and other birds, contact Ross Environmental Solutions today!