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Tick Season brings the Powassan Virus to Deptford, NJ; How to Prevent Ticks in Your Yard

In previous years New Jersey became famous for Lyme disease carrying ticks. However, tick borne diseases have changed up this year and officials are concerned with the Powassan virus which is spreading throughout the state and has already claimed one life. In New Jersey, tick season ends in November so we are all at risk for the next couple of months. Ross Environmental Solutions wants to share more about this ongoing event and how it is essential to control ticks and protect your family members against this threat.

Ticks Spread Powassan Virus

The Powassan virus is spreading throughout the state, and ticks are the culprit. Powassan is a Flavivirus that is found in America. It is in the same family of viruses as the West Nile virus, Yellow Fever, Zika, Dengue Fever, and tick-borne Encephalitis. The Powassan virus will cause severe headaches and rashes in the area of the bite. As the virus progresses, other symptoms emerge such as confusion, decreased coordination control, speech, memory problems and seizures. If the Powassan virus isn’t caught early enough the virus can result in brain damage and death. Early treatments can help stop Powassan. However, there isn’t a cure, only supportive treatments. In the earliest stage, Powassan can be treated with antibiotics. If the virus goes untreated the Powassan can become very difficult to treat and the outcome questionable. Lyme disease is bacterial in nature and far easier to treat unlike Powassan which is viral. Powassan virus is a major concern and officials are urging locals to take tick control more seriously this year.

Preventing Powassan Virus

As Powassan virus is spread through the tick bite, essentially you will want to prevent and control ticks. Powassan Virus has been a problem in the Northeast and upper Midwest and through Canada since 2013. In one case a local has died, but most have been recovering with varying lingering conditions. Tick season in New Jersey starts in April and lasts through November where the cooling temperature ends the threat. To prevent tick bites, often you may want to avoid areas prone to ticks, which means hikers beware. Ticks live in bushy areas and are often drawn to the wood. However, ticks can be found in yards, especially those with dense vegetation and in tall grass. Ticks will hide in the vegetation and wait for a host to rub against the branch or grass where they cling onto a host and begin to feed.

Tick Prevention; How to Prevent Ticks on Humans & Dogs

When going outdoors and in areas prone to ticks, make sure to wear pants, long sleeved shirts and high socks. Tuck the pants into the socks to help prevent ticks from getting on the legs. For those with long hair consider tucking the hair inside a hat and afterward spray yourself down with repellent. Most effective tick repellents contain DEET ingredient. Your pets can also carry ticks into the home and even be their hosts. Make sure to protect your pet and use tick repellent collars, shampoos and consult your vet for best tick control methods. To help keep ticks away from your home, it helps to maintain your yard. Keep your grass cut short and prevent overgrowth of trees and bushes.

Tick Control

For tick and other pest control services, contact Ross Environmental Solutions. We wish to help make everyone’s home safer and help you fight against ticks and other pests. For all of your pest control needs, contact Ross Environmental Solutions today.

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