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Tick Borne Diseases in Humans in Bridgeton, NJ; Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever & More

It’s no secret that ticks are a huge problem in the Northeast. These pests that rely on blood for their nutrition, also carry diseases that can have a large, negative impact on your life if you were to contract them through a tick bite. It is important that you understand the diseases that you are up against and their symptoms so that you can be prepared in keeping an eye out for any sign of them after you have spent time where ticks are a risk. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to shed some light on these diseases carried by ticks.

Symptoms of Tick Bite Diseases

Following is some information about tick related illnesses that you should always be aware of anytime you are spending time in the great outdoors.

  • Lyme Disease: This is by far the most common and well-known disease that is transmitted by ticks. It attacks your nervous system and can leave to heart problems, problems with your joints, eyes and liver. It is usually detected because of the bullseye rash that appears around the tick bite. People also experience flu-like symptoms that include fever, chills and joint pain.
  • Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever: Many people that experience symptoms related to this illness notice a rash that develops around their wrists or ankles. This can be a tricky illness because symptoms may not show up for up to 2 weeks after the initial bite. Other symptoms include fever, red eyes, stomach pain and vomiting.
  • Tick Paralysis: Rather than this being an illness per say, tick paralysis is said to be caused by a poison found in the saliva of the tick. People only experience paralysis while the tick is actively biting them. When the tick moves on, so do the symptoms.
  • Babesiosis: The other illnesses mentioned above are caused by bacteria, but this is actually a parasite that affects the red blood cells. This parasite can leave you feeling like you have the flu and low blood pressure, anemia, liver and kidney problems. It is treated using a combination of anti-parasite drugs and antibiotics.

How to Safely Remove a Tick that is Embedded

Many people don’t know the proper way to remove a tick. If it isn’t done correctly, you can leave behind the head and mouthparts. To remove it easily and safely, use tweezers and grab the tick as close to your skin as possible. It is important that you don’t jerk it out as this can cause the head to often get left behind. Be sure to get rid of the tick by flushing down the toilet or dunking it in alcohol to ensure it doesn’t become a problem again.

Tick Control

If you are dealing with a tick problem in your area, you can rely on the experts at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get it under control. We will make sure your property is tick free. Call us today!

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