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Why are Termites Coming into My House in Deptford, NJ? How Important is Termite Prevention?

If you have the unfortunate experience that is a home infested with termites, our condolences are with you. Termites can do a significant amount of damage to your home when they are left undiscovered for too long. Termite damage can be an expensive thing to fix. This is why it’s so important to know what could possibly be attracting them to your home in the first place. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share what about your home might be attracting termites without your realizing it.

How Did Termites Get into My House?

Like most creatures, termites are always in search of the sustenance they need to survive. Since they consume wood, they are often in search of the wood they need to keep them alive. However, they are highly attracted to moist wood or wood that has been damaged by water. Homes are often an ideal place for these destructive pests. Following are some of the things about your house that might be actually attracting termites to it:
– Moisture: If there is any standing water in or around your home, you want to get rid of it as soon as possible. This excess moisture is extremely attractive to termites and will cause them to build their nests and establish colonies in your home.
– Mulch: While mulch might look nice in your flowerbeds and around your property, it can also attract termites. All of this wood will absorb moisture and is a prime example of the ideal meal for termites. You want to make sure there is no mulch making contact with your house.
– Foliage: If you have any dead trees on your property or stumps that you haven’t had removed yet, you might want to consider it. Termites are often attracted to the foliage around your home just as much as they are in your home itself.
– Gutters: It is important that homeowners have their gutters cleaned out on a regular basis to avoid problems like pest infestations. One of the pests that find clogged gutters extremely enjoyable is termites. Clogged gutters are the perfect pathway to your house for termites.
– Tree Limbs & Leaves: There are often leaves and limbs that are making contact with your home. You are going to want to trim back your shrubs, trees and bushes so that they aren’t contacting your home and becoming an attractant for termites.
– House Openings: Small openings in your roof, foundation, or walls can be the gateway that termites need to get out your house as well.

Termite Inspection & Treatment

If you haven’t had your annual termite inspection done yet, you can turn to Ross Environmental Solutions to get it done for you. We will make sure there are no termites hiding in your house. If there are, we will get rid of them for you so that you can rest easy in knowing that there are destructive pests eating away at your house. Call us today!

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