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How Do You Tell the Difference Between Flying Ants & Termite Swarmers in Atlantic City, NJ?

If you have noticed insects that are flying and buzzing around your house, it is cause for concern. Especially so, if you find out that those insects swarming around your house are termites that are looking for a new place to build up their colony. Sometimes, swarming termites can be mistaken for flying ants. These two insects look extremely similar. However, one can cause extensive damage while the other doesn’t pose the same threat. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about the differences between flying ants and swarming termites.

What is the Difference Between Flying Ants & Swarming Termites?

It is important to know the difference between flying ants and swarming termites because of the damage that can result in a termite infestation. If you were to simply assume that the flying insects you are seeing are ants, you might not be as vigilant in getting rid of them. Following are some of the differences between flying ants and swarming termites:
– Body: The body of an ant and a swarming termite are quite different. Where an ant has a pinched waist, the body of a termite is straight without a distinguishable waist at all. Ants have three distinctive body parts that include the head, abdomen and thorax. This is the easiest and most distinguishable differences between termites and ants.
– Wings: While both ants and termites can have wings, the wings look different. Termites have four wings that are similar in length and shape. Ants will have four wings but two will be larger than the other two.
– Antennae: Another difference between ants and termites is their antennae. Termites have straight antennae, just like their bodies. Similarly, ants will have an elbowed antennae that look bent rather than straight.
– Behavior: Some ant species can cause problems for your home like carpenter ants. However, the damaged caused by carpenter ants pales in comparison to termite damage. Termites actually eat the wood that your home is made of while ants will just hollow it out to build a nest. Damage due to carpenter ants is much slower than termite damage.

How to Keep Swarming Termites Out of Your House

The best thing that you can do when you find swarming termites around your home is to call on pest control professionals. They will know what needs to be done to inspect your home and ensure there are no termites there. If termites are present, they will have the equipment and the pesticides that are most successful at ridding your home of the infestation.

Termite Inspections & Treatments

If you suspect termite activity in your home, you can turn to Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them. We will inspect your home and determine whether or not any termite activity is present. You can count on us to keep your home termite free. Call us today!

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