Why You Should Still Do Pest Control in the Winter in Burlington, NJ; Overwintering Pests & More
While pests might not be the first thing you think about when you think about winter, it is certainly something you want to aware of. There are several different pests that can continue to be a problem even when winter is in full swing. The best thing you can do is to take precautionary measures that will help you avoid them in your home before a full blown pest infestation develops. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about different pests that can pose a problem as well as what you can do to make sure they stay out of your home.
How Do You Stop Winter Pests?
There are several different pests that will take advantage of the warmth your home offers when the weather takes a turn for the worst. Following are some of the common pests that you could see in your home this winter.
– Rodents: This is the most common pest problem we see during the winter months. If you have even the smallest of openings on the outside of your home, a mouse or a rat will be able to weasel their way into your home. They will not only be seeking shelter, but they will be looking for food and water as well. Unfortunately, your home is where they can find all three of these things.
– Cockroaches: Cockroaches are usually associated with filth and warm weather. However, they can pose a problem even during the winter if you aren’t careful. If they can find warmth in your home, they will thrive all winter long. Ross Environmental Solutions recommends inspecting packaging when bringing in boxes into your house to avoid hitchhikers as well as sealing around pipe openings in the lowest level of house and making sure there is water in all U pipe traps.
– Dormant Insects: There are several insects like boxelder bugs, Asian lady beetles, clusters flies and spiders that will hang out in places like your attic or basement during the winter. This poses a problem as the weather starts to warm up and they start to infiltrate your home.
What are Ways to Prevent Wintertime Pests?
The best thing you can do to prevent wintertime pests is to take some precautionary measures to make your home impenetrable. Following are our best tips to keep pests out of your home.
– Seal: If you see any openings of any kind around your home or its foundation, you need to fix them right away. Even the smallest holes or cracks can be enough to let a number of different pests into your home. If you see any cracks around your doors or windows, make sure you seal them with some new caulking. This will keep pests out and will also keep you warmer this winter.
– Leaks: If you have any leaking pipes, make sure you fix them to avoid attracting any pests like cockroaches.
– Clutter: Cleaning up any clutter will help you avoid a run-in with rodents as they like to live in cluttered spaces.
Year Round Pest Management
If you are struggling with pests this winter, you can count on Ross Environmental Solutions to get rid of them. Call us today!