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Are Spiders Dangerous in Your Washington Township, NJ House? What Spider Species Should I Avoid?

There are several people that will tell you that they have a fear of spiders. It may have something to do with the fact that spiders linger in the dark corners of your house and have 8 crawly legs to get around. While there are several people afraid of spiders, is there good reason to be? The answer to that question is complicated. There are certainly some spiders that pose a threat to humans, but not all of them. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about some common spiders as well as those that are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs.

What Spider Species Should I Avoid?

Most spiders that you would find in your house pose no serious threat to your overall health. That is, unless you find a black widow or a brown recluse spider. These spiders are venomous and should be avoided.
– Black Widow: The jet black body and bright red hourglass shape on the abdomen of a black widow are hard to miss. They are venomous and can lead to some serious health problems if you are bitten by one. These reclusive spiders don’t pose a threat unless they feel that they are threatened.
– Brown Recluse: An even deadlier spider is the brown recluse. This dark brown spider with a fiddle shaped marking on its back is one that you definitely want to avoid. Their bite can even lead to death if you don’t get the treatment that you need. These spiders are also extremely reclusive and can often be found amidst clutter in your basements, attic or crawl space.

Common House Spiders

There are other spiders that might make their way into your house but aren’t actually venomous. Some of them might look mean, but their bite will offer no more than a painful sting.
– Wolf Spider: This spider has a big brown body that is intimidating, but their bite won’t actually pose a serious threat. Many people report that it is painful and compares to a bee sting.
– Yellow Sac Spider: These yellow spiders with markings on the end of their legs that resemble socks on their feet, will bite, but aren’t poisonous.
– Hobo Spider: These spiders are often mistaken for brown recluse spiders, but aren’t venomous. They are brown and have lighter markings on their bodies whereas brown recluse spiders are brown with a dark fiddle mark.

Spider & Other Pest Control

If you have noticed that there are spiders in your house, you can turn to Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them once and for all. With our pest control services, you can count on your home being free from spiders once and for all as the weather starts to get colder. It is our goal to keep spiders and other pests out for good this winter. Call us today!

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