Signs of an American Cockroach Infestation & How to Get Rid of Flying Cockroaches in Mount Holly, NJ
American cockroaches can be found all throughout America and with dense populations in New Jersey. During the fall season as temperatures begin to drop, many pests, including the American cockroach, will begin to invade our homes. Although many species of cockroaches will hibernate during the winter, American cockroaches prefer warm climates and are drawn to homes and other human structures. With invasion threats increasing, Ross Environmental Solutions will share how to identify American cockroaches, signs of infestation, and how to prevent and control these pests.
American Cockroach Identification
American cockroaches are one of the largest natural cockroach species found in America. They can reach 1 ½ inches in length and can fly short distances. Both adult male and female American cockroaches develop wings. However, the immature roach as well as the nymphs are wingless. As adults, American cockroaches are a dark reddish brown color with a yellowish outline around their head. The immature roach is lighter but still has the reddish brown coloring and often don’t have the yellow outline.
Signs of an American Cockroach Infestation
There are number of telltale signs of American cockroaches and their intrusion. One sign is their droppings which look like little black round capsules. You will find their droppings in areas where they tend to gather or feed. If American cockroaches have been in the home long enough to reproduce, females will lay their egg capsules which can contain up to 16 eggs,. The females tend to leave their egg capsules in warm places such as the laundry room, kitchen, or in the garage. Another sign of American cockroaches are the smell. American cockroaches produce a musty odor, which is a pheromone they produce to help them find each other. Of course, sighting of cockroaches is always an undisputable sign of their presence. Once any of these signs emerge you will need to address the cockroach problem aggressively.
American Cockroach Prevention
Depending on how severe the infestation is, control methods can vary. If you’ve addressed the early invasions and only a few cockroaches made it inside your home, then in most cases a pesticide treatment is all that is needed to be applied inside and outside of the home. Major infestations may require more intensive treatment. To prevent cockroaches before they begin to invade your home, you will want to seal your home. You will want to make sure cockroaches can’t enter your home through small cracks and gaps. Use a silicone caulking glue to fill in cracks or gaps outside of your home. Make sure windows and window screens are functional. Additionally, you will want to do some yard work and house cleaning. Your goal is to restrict shelter, water and food sources inside and outside your home. Clean up all yard debris and prevent any leaky plumbing outside the home. Additionally, avoid leaving the lights on outside your home this time of year, as American cockroaches are drawn to light. Keep the inside of the home clean and clutter free. Maintain all interior plumbing. Seal up all food in airtight containers to prevent feeding the pests as well as to avoid food contamination.
Cockroach Control
If you need help controlling cockroaches and other pests this fall season, contact Ross Environmental Solutions today.