Signs of Carpenter Ant Infestations in Bridgeton, NJ; Frass, Winged Ants, Wood Property Damage & More
Much like termites, carpenter ants can cause a significant amount of damage to your home if they are left undetected. Carpenter ants seen inside your home during the winter season are a sign you are sharing your home with a nest of carpenter ants. A carpenter ant nest can also exist in a house during winter but not be noticed. Occasionally, worker ants are carried in with firewood, but thankfully these workers are not able to start nests. When carpenter ants infest your home, they can cause different degrees of damage depending on the time they are left there. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about four different stages of carpenter ants when you are experiencing an infestation.
Stage One; Seeing Carpenter Ants
During stage one, you may see one or two carpenter ants walking around your home. Once they have set up a colony in your home, they will send the worker ants out to find food. They don’t usually raid your pantry because they can easily find food outside your home. They eat a larger variety of food than other species do. So even if you only see one or two ants around your home, you could be dealing with a large infestation. The moment you notice these ants, you need to call on a professional right away to avoid further damage.
Stage Two; Carpenter Ant Frass
The next stage of carpenter ant damage is the presence of frass. Unlike termites, carpenter ants don’t actually ingest the wood they live in. They simply bore out tunnels and kick that sawdust out of the tunnel. This is what you will start to see if they are in your structure. Common places that you will find frass are in crawlspaces, basements, garage spaces and other secluded locations.
Stage Three; Seeing Flying Carpenter Ants with Wings
This stage shouldn’t be mistaken for stage one. In stage three, you will start to see more ants. This doesn’t mean that you will find them crawling about; it means that you will start to see ants with wings. These flying carpenter ants are a sure sign that you have a mature infestation and they are looking for areas that they can start a new colony. These flying ants are males and serve one purpose and that is to build new nests.
Stage Four; Carpenter Ant Wood & Property Damage
If there are carpenter ants in your structure long enough that you get to stage four, you will have significant damage to your home or whatever structure they are in. As they continue to build more and more tunnels, the wood will become significantly weaker. Signs of this stage include sticking windows, stuck doors, sloping floors, sinking ceilings and bulging walls. Hopefully, if you have carpenter ants infest your home, it doesn’t get to this point. This can be thousands of dollars in property damage.
Ant Control
It is important to note that if you have carpenter ants in your home, you don’t try to take care of the problem on your own. They can be difficult to get rid of if you don’t have the training and experience needed to get the job done. With the risk of property damage, you don’t want to have to work about any ants continuing to live in your home. The experts at Ross Environmental Solutions have the experience and tools needed to eradicate carpenter ants and other pests from your house. Call us today!