Are You At Risk For Black Mold or other Molds Invading Your Home?
Mold can destroy a home from the inside out while also causing serious health issues. It has been confirmed by many medical experts that once mold grows toxic, it can cause dangerous respiratory issues and a dozen different diseases that can literally kill you. It can be more toxic than many of the metals (and other materials) that most of us already know of, such as lead. Mold spores spread from one part of your body and can make it all the way up to your brain, causing tumors, cancer, asthma, and much more. What can you do to prevent the problem? Start with an assessment.
Your Risk Factors for Mold
Not every home is at risk for black mold, so there are a few key things you can look at to know whether it’s a problem for you or not.
Start with a closer look at the factors behind mold growth. Mold is generally caused by water and moisture – anything from simple air and water leaks to improper home maintenance can lead to it. Once a little mold is present, it begins to spread, dry rot your home and become extremely toxic to anyone who steps foot inside.
That moisture level is the primary risk factor for black mold. If you live somewhere that normally has high humidity, as that means more moisture will find its way into your homes internal structure, your home is actually at risk.
You don’t have to live in a humid climate, though, to be at risk. If there are any wet areas around your home, you may also be at risk. These wet areas could involve the wood-based parts of your home (walls, attics, basement, outside structures, etc…), but they may involve other areas, too. Mold might enter your home through an open door, a vent, or even your HVAC system. It will grow anywhere flooding (even on a small scale) has occurred, and it can reside in dust, paint, and even your upholstery.
What You Can Do if You Have Mold
There are a number of steps you can take to prevent mold in your home. In the event you find wet spots, they must be dried immediately. Preventing any water from reaching your home is key, which is why you should always make sure your windows are closed if it’s raining and that water isn’t leaking through the roof, from your A/C unit, or anywhere else. If it is, you are at risk for black mold.
If you live in a wet or humid area, you may want to invest in a dehumidifier, as they can ensure the moisture from the humidity doesn’t swarm your house and cause problems in the long term. A good dehumidifier will actually be able to monitor the humidity level in your home, never allowing it to go above 60%.
Finally, the best thing you can do to prevent mold from invading your home is fixing any issues as soon as they arise. Regardless if it’s a serious flood or a small water leak, spending a little money now is much better than the thousands of dollars it will cost to replace mold-infested structures, as well as the irreversible health damages that go far beyond dollars.
To learn more about mold or for a mold evaluation in your home, contact us today.