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How to Repel Squirrels from Your Attic in Ocean City, NJ; Critter Proof House & More

While the big fluffy tails that can be found on squirrels may be charming, if a squirrel gets into your home, it can mean big trouble for you. The adorably damaging animals can be difficult to get rid of once they have made your attic their new home. The best thing to do is to avoid them in the first place. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about some of the ways you can avoid squirrels in your attic this fall.

Why are Squirrels a Problem?

Even though squirrels can be fun to watch as they prance around your property, jumping from tree to tree, they can cause problems for your home. Since squirrels are another kind of rodent, they can cause some of the same damage to your home that a mouse or rat infestation would.
– Chewing: Like other rodents, squirrels will chew on your home. They can chew on wires and other materials that they find in your attic.
– Droppings: They leave behind urine and feces that can damage the insulation found in your attic. It will also leave behind a horrible odor that can seep down into your home.
– Holes: When it comes to your attic, squirrels will try anything they can to get inside. This can lead to holes in your siding.
– Nesting: They will use many different types of materials to build their large nests. This is usually done using insulation and other materials that they find in the attic.

How to Keep Squirrels Out of Your Attic

The best way to get rid of a squirrel problem is to avoid them in the first place. Because they can cause significant damage to your home and property, you are far better off putting some exclusion measures in place to deter them from nesting in your attic.
– Screens: If you have a chimney or any attic vents they can get through, you will want to put screens on them to keep squirrels out.
– Seal Holes: Inspect your home. If you have any small holes or openings into your attic, you need to have them sealed.
– Trim Trees: You should keep all of your trees trimmed back at least 6 feet from your home to make it more difficult for squirrels to get to your home. It is best to have the trees trimmed back 8 feet just to be safe.
– Food Storage: Make sure you aren’t supplying a food source for squirrels by making sure you are storing your garbage properly as well as your pet’s food. They will help themselves to any food they can find.

Wildlife Control

If you have a squirrel problem, you need to act quickly. You can call on the professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of any squirrel infestation you may be dealing with. We have the training need to successfully keep these rodents out of your attic for good. Call us today!

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