How Do You Repel Bed Bugs when Traveling in Mount Laurel, NJ? Protect Luggage, Inspect Hotel Bed & More
Since the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine, more and more people are starting to get the itch to travel after staying put for the last year. While the thought of a vacation to escape your recent reality is exciting, it is important that you avoid bringing back any unwanted guests with you. Bed bugs are a huge problem that seem to keep getting worse and worse. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips for your travels to help you avoid bringing bed bugs home with you.
How Do I Protect My Luggage from Bed Bugs?
When you first get to your hotel room, it may be tempting to set your heavy luggage down on the ground upon entering the room for the first time. However, you should avoid doing this in the off chance that the room has a bed bug problem. You should take your luggage straight to the bathroom as this is the least likely place that bed bugs would spend their time. Bed bugs often prefer the cracks and soft surfaces that beds and furniture allow them.
Inspect the Mattress, Bed & Surrounding
The next thing you should be doing is giving that room a good once over. The first place you should inspect in the bed. This is where bed bugs are most likely going to be. Remember that they may be in other areas too. If there is any soft furniture near the bed, you should inspect it. Any picture frames on the wall? Look behind them. Look behind the headboard and underneath the telephone. There isn’t any area that should be overlooked in this inspection. You should be looking for any sign that would include the following:
– Bed bug sightings
– Black dots
– Blood stains
What Do You Do if You Find Bed Bugs in Your Hotel Room?
The first thing you should do if you happen upon any evidence that there are bed bugs in your room is notify the hotel. You need to request a room change right away and work to get your luggage out of the room. Make sure that you ask for a room that isn’t anywhere near the one that you are in. If it is possible, request one that is at least two floors away from the room you are currently in.
How Do I Make Sure There are No Bed Bugs in My Luggage?
There are some things you can do with baggage to avoid bed bugs. Here are some tips that can be helpful.
– Choose a hard shell suitcase rather than a soft one.
– Pack your clothes in sealable plastic bags inside the suitcase.
– Only open those bags when you need to get something out and promptly close them again.
Bed Bug Inspection & Treatment
If you suspect that you brought bed bugs home with you the last time you traveled, you will need the help of the pest professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them. Call us today!