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Real Murder Insects in Ocean City, NJ; Asian Giant Murder Hornets or Deadly Disease Transmitting Mosquitoes?

Forget the Asian Giant Murder Hornets you’ve been hearing about on the news. The real murderers are Mosquitoes! There has been a lot of talk about the deadly murder hornets that have been spotted in the United States and fear of these hornets are spreading. However, the reality is that murder hornets are much less likely to kill humans than mosquitoes. Murder hornets do possess a deadly stinger that injects 7 times more venom than our local bumble bees. However, they will only sting when provoked. Mosquitoes rather actively look for humans and mammals so they can feast on their blood. When mosquitoes feed, they can transfer deadly viruses and diseases into their victims, leading to severe illness and death. Ross Environmental Solutions would like to put the focus on the real murderers and share the many deadly viruses or diseases that mosquitoes transmit to humans each year.

How is Malaria Transmitted? Female Anopheles Mosquito

Malaria is a rather ancient disease that is believed to have originated in Africa. Chinese scholars have described symptoms of Malaria as far back as 2700 BC. Malaria parasites are transmitted by the female Anopheles mosquitoes. The mosquitoes that carry Malaria mostly live in tropical climates, but some cases are found to occur deeper in the United States. Worldwide, over one million people die due to Malaria each year. Most victims of Malaria are children under the age of five and the elderly.

Chikungunya Transmission Via Asian Tiger Mosquito

Chikungunya is a virus that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Chikungunya was mostly found to occur in the Caribbean. However, by the end of 2013, Chikungunya made its way to the Western Hemisphere as well as the United States. The mosquito species that are found to transmit the Chikungunya virus is the Asian Tiger mosquito, which is a common species found throughout America. There are about 2.4 million reported cases of Chikungunya virus each year and about 450 deaths. There is no vaccines or treatment for Chikungunya and some cases are fatal.

Infected Aedes Aegypti Transmit Dengue Fever

Dengue is another disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes. Luckily, it is less fatal, yet the symptoms of this disease are very severe. Dengue is a disease that is spread by mosquitoes throughout America, Asia, and Africa. Back in 2004, a Dengue outbreak occurred in Indonesia where there was a reported 54,000 cases which lead to 600 deaths. As the death rate is lower, lives are still taken by this mosquito transmitted disease.

Yellow Fever Mosquito

Aedes aegypti is also known as the yellow fever mosquito. Yellow fever has been around for at least the past 400 years. Yellow fever is most common in America and Africa. Yellow fever can occur in urban and rural environments. As yellow fever is a common older virus spread by mosquitoes, cases are more rare as vaccines for this virus are used. Regardless of the protective use of vaccines there are still about 200,000 reported cases yearly, with 30,000 resulting in death.

Culex Mosquitoes are Vectors for West Nile Virus

The West Nile virus first emerged in 1937 in Africa. In a short period of time, the West Nile virus made its way around the world. Mosquitoes transmit the virus to both the humans and animals they feed on. West Nile is particularly feared as it effect the brain and nervous system. West Nile has killed many horses, humans, and even birds. In 2003, over 43 different species of mosquitoes tested positive for the virus.

Mosquito Control

When you add up the death toll caused by mosquitoes, there is no comparison. Mosquitoes are clearly the real killer everyone should worry about. For mosquito control, or other pest services, and more, contact Ross Environmental solutions today.

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