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Rare Exotic Asian Tick Found in New Jersey; How to Prevent Ticks from Getting on You!

According to the department of agriculture, a tick not generally found in the United States was discovered in Hunterdon County earlier this year. The exotic East Asian tick also referred to as the bush tick or longhorned tick was discovered on a pet sheep at a farm located in Hunterdon County. According to the owner, the sheep have been kept on the property for a number of years. How the tick ended up in New Jersey is yet to be established. The initial identification was made by Rutgers University with confirmation from the United States Department of Agriculture.

Identification of the Exotic Asian Tick

The exotic Asian or bush tick can be identified by its dark brown color. It will swell to the size of a pea when fully engorged. The tick has the potential to spread bacterial and viral diseases to animals and humans. The bush tick is considered a threat to livestock and farmers should continue to monitor animals for signs of anemia and decreased rates of growth. The ticks can be found in areas with tall grass and underbrush including meadows and pastures. They are considered a hardy variety that are renowned for their high survival rate during the winter months.

How to Prevent Ticks on Humans & Dogs

While some species of ticks are known to be less active during the winter months, experts at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommend taking proactive steps to protect yourself and your family members from exposure year round. Tips to protect you and your family members from exposure include:
• Use insect repellent containing Deet
• Cover up exposed areas of the skin by wearing long pants and shirts with long sleeves
• Tuck pants into socks to prevent ticks from getting under your clothing
• Treat clothing, shoes and pack backs with products containing permethrin
• Inspect your clothing and body for any ticks especially the armpit and groin area
• Shower as soon as possible after entering your home
• Run your clothing through a hot dryer for at least 10 minutes to any ticks that may have attached to the fabric
• Use veterinarian approved tick products to treat your pets

Tick Borne Diseases

Ticks carry diseases which can be transferred to animals and humans through the bite of an infected tick. Tick-borne illnesses are primarily caused by infection of a variety of pathogens, bacteria, viruses and protozoa. Individual ticks are capable of carrying more than one disease which means that individuals can be infected by more than one pathogen at a time making it difficult to diagnose and treat. One of the most common diseases carried by ticks in New Jersey is Lyme disease. Early symptoms of Lyme disease include a rash that resembles a bull’s eye, fever, headache, stiff neck, muscle aches, joint pain, and lethargy. In most cases the rash will appear 7 to 14 days after the infected tick has bitten. If left untreated, some individuals may develop arthritis, heart and nervous system problems.

Tick Control

For information regarding tick and pest control services for your New Jersey home or business, contact the knowledgeable experts at Ross Environmental Solutions today.

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