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How to Prevent Infestations of Pests in Your Kitchen in Burlington, NJ; Pest Proof Pantry & More

There are several pests that are going to try and make their way into your kitchen any chance they get. Pests that make their way into your kitchen pose a health risk as they carry diseases that transfers to your food. Not only that, but you will also end up throwing away food that is contaminated by these pests as well. These are just a couple of reasons you don’t want to find pests in your kitchen. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips to help you keep pests out of your kitchen and away from your food.

What are the Most Effective Ways of Keeping Your Kitchen Pest Free?

There are several things that homeowners can do to ensure they don’t have any pests in their kitchen or their home. While there are several areas in the home that pests can congregate, the kitchen is one of the most common because of the food and water that can be found there. Following are some tips to help keep them away.
– Seal Trash Cans to Keep Pests Out: You should be storing your trash in a bin that has a lid on it. When you have an opened trash can, this gives pests the chance to dig in and get into the rotting food that is found there. You should also take your trash out regularly to keep it from attracting pests.
– Clean Dirty Dishes that Attract Pests: Leaving dishes in the sink for a long period of time, or overnight, is always a bad idea. Not only will you be dealing with the smell of rotting food, but you will also have a pest problem on your hands. Many pests like cockroaches, are most active at night when the world is quiet. If they have the opportunity to feast on a sink of dirty dishes while you sleep, they will find your home the perfect place to set up shop.
– Pest Proof Food Storage: Storing your food properly is another thing you can do to limit the number of pests you have in your home. Always store food in a sturdy, plastic container that has a tight fitting lid to avoid pests chewing their way through boxes and getting to your food.
– Eat at the Table to Minimize Crumbs: Even the smallest crumbs will be enough to attract pests to your kitchen. When you aren’t eating at the table, it can leave a trail of crumbs that you aren’t as likely to clean up. Eating at the table makes cleaning up the remaining crumbs easy with a wet washcloth.

Pest Management

If you are struggling with pests in your kitchen or anywhere else in your home, you can turn to the pros at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get your pest infestation under control. We can get rid of any infestation you may have so that you can enjoy a home that is pest free. Call us today to solve any of your pest problems.

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