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How to Prevent & Get Rid of a Pharaoh Ant Infestation in Your Deptford, NJ Kitchen, Bathroom or Home

There are over 12,000 ant species found in the world. With ants found on nearly every continent, the odds of you crossing paths with some ant species is pretty high. Ants are notoriously known for the pinches they deliver when they protect the colony and queen as well as their annoying behavior of pilfering food in homes and businesses. The many different species share common habits and characteristics; some are similar, where others are distinct from species to species. With that in mind, we at Ross Environmental Solutions would like to specifically relate some basic information concerning pharaoh ants, being one of the common ants found in New Jersey area.

Pharaoh Ant Identification

The pharaoh ant’s origins are unknown, but they are found nearly everywhere in the world. Pharaoh ants are one of the smaller ants as they average under 1/8 inches long. With red and black markings on the abdomen, these ants are primarily colored yellow or light brown and are almost transparent. These ants are fairly known to be a major nuisance, particularly in hospitals.

Do Pharaoh Ants Die in Cold Weather? Where Do they Go in the Winter?

To survive the winter, pharaoh ants take advantage of artificial heating in buildings. Generally, pharaoh ant infestations are more common in food service areas and nest in hidden well-protected places within the building. When found outdoors, these ants they are typically looking for warm areas such as lawns and gardens.

What Do Pharaoh Ants Eat?

Pharaoh ants are omnivorous, eating all manners of varieties such as proteins and fats, but they are partial to sweets. They will also eat other insects; living or dead. Pharaoh ants are polygynous, indicating these species of ants have multiple queens. The females will live anywhere from 4-12 months, laying up to 400 eggs in their life, and the workers only live about 10 weeks. From egg to adulthood it takes 28 days.

Signs of Pharaoh Ant Infestations

Having pharaoh ants is fairly obvious as the tiny amber-colored workers forage along surfaces throughout all hours of the day. Since they prefer sweets, the most likely nesting places are the kitchen, where they will construct their nests in walls, behind baseboards, refrigerator insulation, cabinet voids and other undisturbed dark spaces. In addition to being commonly found in the kitchen, pharaoh ants will also nest in bathrooms in places such as walls, hollows of curtain rods, folds of towels etc. The workers can be seen following the pheromone trails along baseboards and window sills. They will also travel along plumbing and electrical wiring to get from room to room.

Ant Pest Control

As mentioned earlier, pharaoh ants are a particular problem for hospitals because of the diseases they can spread on otherwise sterile equipment and rooms. With their adaptability to the indoors, pharaoh ants are problematic. If you discover pharaoh ants infiltrating your home or business, call in the experts of Ross Environmental Solutions. Our specialists are well versed in all of the species of ants found in New Jersey. We have the expertise and experience to ensure they are fully wiped out, even with the complexity of the pharaoh ants and their buddy-colonies. With our effective methods and superior products, pharaoh ants will be completely removed from your home or business. Call Ross Environmental Solutions today to get started on your custom ant and pest control services!

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