Preparing for Common Fall Pests in Your Cherry Hill, NJ Home with an Exterior Pest Inspection & More
Many people look forward to the reprieve from high temperatures that only fall can bring. As temperatures start to drop, you may think you don’t have to be as worried about pests as you have been during the summer. This couldn’t be further from the truth. If anything, as the temperatures start to settle down, you need to be on your best game to keep those pests from seeking your house as shelter. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about preparing your home and property for fall pests.
Exterior Pest Inspection for Fall Pests
1. Check for Pest Entry Points– When thinking about keeping pests out of your house when the weather gets cooler, the most obvious thing you need to do is look for entry points. You would be surprised how small an opening needs to be for a small rodent to climb into your home. If you see any cracks on the outside of your home, or any places where you have damage to your siding, these should be fixed.
2. Clean up– Over the course of the summer, you may have had some stuff accumulate in your yard. Clean up the yard to avoid pests such as spiders, making nests and building their webs there.
3. Fix Window & Door Screens– If you have any tears in your screens on windows or doors, these need replacing in order for you to open them for fresh air. This is the perfect time of year to get fresh air and turn off your air conditioning unit. Don’t let pests in through tears and holes in your screens.
4. Store Wood Away from Home– If you use firewood, store it away from your home. Many pests are attracted to this area to build a home, and you don’t want that to end up being in or near your home.
Common Fall Pests
1. Spiders– There is a reason they are a big part of Halloween décor. They become active during the fall, especially the black widow who is looking for a mate.
2. Boxelder Bugs– These bugs eat wood and can cause quite the mess with their droppings.
3. Flies– Fall is an especially popular time for flies. They tend to be pretty thick during this time of year. Keep your screens in good shape or your doors closed to avoid them in your home.
4. Stink Bugs– These pests are dormant during the winter and will be looking for somewhere to settle down as winter approaches.
5. Wildlife– Small rodents like mice and rats will definitely be looking for somewhere warm as winter draws near. It is very important to repair all entry points that a small rodent can squeeze through to get into your home. Keep in mind, they can squeeze through a hole as small as a dime.
Fall Pest Control
You don’t want your home to be the next shelter for any of these obnoxious pests. Ross Environmental Solutions can help you prepare your home to keep fall pests out this winter. We offer environmentally responsible pest management that will keep your home safe this fall. Call today for an appointment.