How Do You Pest Proof Your Home for the New Year in Hammonton, NJ to Prevent Infestations of Pests?
As we all start to make plans for our new year, it is a great time of reflection. One thing you can do as you look forward to the New Year is take an evaluation of your home and its ability to keep pests out. There are likely some areas that could use some work. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips to help you keep pests out of your home this new year.
How Can I Pest Proof the Outside of My House?
The best way to keep pests out of your home will begin by taking a close look at the outside of your residence. There are likely several areas that could use a little help. Here are some tips for pest proofing the outside of your house.
– Trim Trees & Branches: If you have trees that are planted near your home, you need to make sure they are trimmed back and away from your residence. The branches on your trees and bushes shouldn’t get within 6 feet of your house. This will help you keep pests like carpenter ants and squirrels out of your home.
– Remove Mulch & Leaves: There may be some leaf litter and old mulch near your home. You will want to remove this to keep from attracting unwanted pests. Mulch and leaf litter often harbors a lot of moisture which can attract many different kinds of pests to your home.
– Move the Firewood: When it’s cold outside and all you want to do is build a fire in your home, it is tempting to have that stack of firewood right outside your door. This can be the perfect place for rodents and other pests to build nests though. Putting it right beside your door can give pests a free ticket into your home. Before you bring in any firewood for a fire, check the pieces of wood to see if they are pest-free.
– Seal Entry Points: If you find that there are any cracks around the foundation of your home, this is good time to seal them up. You need to inspect the doors and windows on your home as well to make sure the seals are good and don’t need to be replaced as well.
– Clean Gutters: The gutters on your home can fill up with leaves and debris that make a great place for pests to hide out during the winter months. When you have them cleaned out, you eliminate this problem.
– Fix Screens: If you have any screens on your doors or windows that have rips or holes in them, it is time to have those replaced.
Year Round Pest Management
If you are struggling with pests this winter and can’t get them to leave your warm home, you can call on the pros at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them once and for all. Call us today!