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Pest Control Tips in Mantua Township, NJ; Bugs Live in Weeds, Mosquitoes are Attracted to Bird Baths & More

Pest control is something that requires attention to detail in a variety of different places in and around your home. Many people assume that because they are hiring a professional pest control company like Ross Environmental Solutions, they don’t have to do anything to prevent pests on their property. But this is simply not true. You can help reduce the number of pests in and around your property by taking some pre-emptive action.

Flying & Crawling Bugs in My Lawn

One area that you can help with your pest control is in your landscaping.  Pests of all different varieties like to live in your landscaping if you will let them.  Today we are going to walk through some of the ways that you can help keep the pests at bay in your yard. 

Plants that Repel Insects

The first thing that you can do is make sure that you select plants wisely.  Did you know that there are some plants that actually repel pests?  You will want to look at what type of pests are common in your area and try and pick a plant that deters that specific pest if possible.  For instance, if there are lots of mosquitoes in your area you will want to consider lavender and citronella.  A large variety of herbs can also help repel mosquitoes.  Chrysanthemum help guard off fleas, ticks, mites, lice, and other smaller insects.  If you are looking for a plant that will help with a large variety of pests you will want to consider planning some garlic in your yard.

Mulch that Doesn’t Attract Bugs

Another way to help prevent pests from invading your landscaping is to add mulch to your planting beds.  Ross Environmental Solutions has found that your familiarity with mulch largely depends on where you grew up.  In some areas of the country only hardcore gardeners mulch their planting beds on a regular basis.  In other areas of the country everyone mulches.  Mulch helps your plants in a variety of ways.  It can also deter pests from making a home in your vegetation.  You will want to make sure that you select a mulch that does not hold too much moisture, such as cedar mulch, if you are trying to help with pest control.  If you select the wrong mulch variety you will end up increasing the number of pests on your property!

Are Mosquitoes Attracted to Water Fountains & Bird Baths?

Frequently homeowners include water features in their landscaping.  Water features can add so much beauty to your yard.  The problem is that standing water attracts pests.  Pests will be attracted to water features because they are looking for a drink.  Mosquitoes love to breed in standing water.  If you choose to include a water feature in your yard make sure that you manage it effectively to prevent insects.

Bugs Live in Weeds

Weeding is another important part of keeping pests out of your yard.  When your yard is full of weeds pests are more likely to find a place to live.  To prevent this from happening you will want to weed on a regular basis.

Pest Control

If you combine all of these tips with monthly pest control from Ross Environmental Solutions you should be able to keep the pests at bay in your home.

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