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New Jersey Venomous Spiders Identifier in Deptford, NJ; Yellow Sac, Wolf, Brown Recluse & Black Widow Spider Species

There are over 40,000 species of spiders found throughout the world. With so many spiders, thankfuly there are but four species found in New Jersey that locals should take note of. We at Ross Environmental Solutions would like to expound on these four spider species.

Venomous Spider Species Found in New Jersey

Yellow Sac Spider: Female yellow sac spiders measure in at 1/4” – 3/8” with the males in comparison being slightly smaller. Both male and female yellow sac spiders appear pale yellow in color with dark brown jaws and a slightly darker dorsal stripe running lengthwise across the abdomen. During daylight hours, yellow sac spiders reside in silken tubes or sacs. Outside they are often found hiding in brush and under objects. Indoors, they frequent along ceilings, in corners, and behind pictures or shelves. Being that the sacs are light, they may camouflage on neutral colored surfaces. Yellow sac spiders are active hunters, meaning they do not use their webs to snare their food, and are known to be very aggressive. They are nocturnal and do their hunting at night. During their hunting trips they may easily encounter humans. If they become trapped between a person’s skin and sheets or clothing etc, they will bite. Yellow sac spiders are believed to be responsible for more human bites that any other type of spider! The bite of the yellow sac spider can range from slightly to extremely painful, depending on a person’s sensitivity.
Wolf Spider: Another spider commonly found in New Jersey that does not utilize their web to subdue their prey is the wolf spider. They move around to hunt similarly to that of wolves, hence their name; wolf spider. A few species of wolf spiders, however do not hunt like wolves but instead hide in abandoned burrows to ambush their prey as it crawls past them. Wolf spiders found in homes often dwell in crawlspaces, basements, and breezeways. Wolf spiders are generally larger than most species, but vary in size. Some of the larger species are often confused with tarantulas. Wolf spiders coloring range from brown, grey, orange, and black. Female wolf spiders are often larger in size than males; and appear even larger when they carry their young on their backs. Female wolf spiders carry their young for a great deal of time after they hatch. Wolf spiders are not typically aggressive but have the potential to bite if provoked.
Brown Recluse Spider: Although the brown recluse is not indigenous to New Jersey, there are some in the state. An adult brown recluse spider with legs extended is approximately the size of a U.S. quarter. Brown recluse spiders are colored in a variety of tans and browns, and range from light to dark. The brown recluse spider has a distinct dark violin-shaped mark on its back, distinguishing it from other spiders. Outside brown recluse spiders are generally living in logs or woodpiles, as well as under rocks and any other debris that offers protection from predators and the elements. Although they prefer the outdoors, brown recluse spiders can adapt easily to the living conditions inside homes, businesses, and other structures. They are quite capable of tolerating the extreme cold giving them the capabilities of surviving in unheated structures or parts of your home like the garage or basement. They can equally withstand heat, permitting them to live in extreme hot climates and the uncomfortable heat in structures like attic spaces. They do not need to eat daily; and can survive without food or water for months. Brown recluse spiders will hunt for their food at night, without the use of a web. If hunting is scarce they will scavenge leftovers if necessary.
Black Widow Spider: Black widow spiders are not aggressive like the yellow sac spider, but their venom is much stronger. When the black widow bites, it will inject its venom. Symptoms include nausea, severe muscle aches. The venom will also affect the respiratory system, making breathing labored. Though the symptoms can be painful and difficult to get through, healthy adults do not experience fatalities. However, for someone who has a weakened immune system, small children, and elderly adults; the venom can be fatal. Black widows are known for the red hourglass-shaped mark that is placed on their abdomens that stands out on their black bodies. Black widows do not hunt for their food like some of the other spiders mentioned, but utilize the web they spin to entrap their prey. Flies, grasshoppers, caterpillars, beetles, and mosquitoes are more frequently on the menu.

Spider Control

Ross Environmental Solutions has the solution for any spider infestation that your home or business may be inflicted with. If you are overwhelmed by spiders, contact us as soon as possible and we will take care of the rest!

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