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How Much Mold Exposure is Harmful in Gloucester County, NJ? Identifying Types & Treatment

Mold is one of the biggest threats that people find themselves battling in their home. It comes in many forms and can be a toxic presence in your residence. Did you know that there are over 1,000 different types of mold that can be found in your home? Most people think of it as just a nuisance as it starts to grow on their shower curtain or under the sink. The fact is, it can be a much bigger problem if it is founding growing in your drywall, attic or basement after any sort of water damage has been present. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some information of the different types of mold commonly found in New Jersey homes as well as explain what mold illness is to motivate you to act quickly to treat it today.

Types of Mold Found in Homes

There are many different types of mold out there, as stated above. But these molds can be broken down into three different categories which are:
Allergenic Molds– These molds are the least worrisome when it comes to mold in general. They aren’t a problem for most people. Only those that suffer from asthma or are allergic to that specific type of mold usually have any problems at all. Children are often the ones that have mold allergies.
Pathogenic Molds– If you are struggling with a suppressed immune system, this could be a concern for you. They can cause some irritation and infections. Sometimes, patients can seem to be struggling with bacterial pneumonia when they are exposed to these molds.
Toxigenic Molds– These molds are just as bad as their name sounds. They can cause serious health problems including immunosuppression and even cancer. They are easily absorbed into your body when you even so much as breath them in, let alone eat them or touch them.

Mold Illness Symptoms

Mold illness is a real and dreadful problem to have. It includes a long list of health concerns that come about from over exposure to many different types of mold. A step beyond mold illness is mold toxicity which can be a systemic inflammatory response that comes with exposure to toxic molds usually found indoors. Some of the symptoms that come with mold illness are:
• Fatigue & Weakness
• Eye Irritation Including Eye Redness & Light Sensitivity
• Tremors & Vertigo
• Metallic Taste in Mouth
• Changes in Appetite
• Excessive Thirst & Urination
• Unexplained Muscle Aches & Persistent Nerve Pain
• Asthma & Sinus Problems Including Coughing & Shortness of Breath

Mold Removal, Remediation & Prevention

If you are worried that you may have a mold issue in your home, the experts at Ross Environmental Solutions can help. We offer mold remediation that will keep your home mold free and your family and those you love safe from the harmful health effects that come with a mold issue. Our extended training and expertise will ensure that there will be no trace of mold left in your home to become a future issue. Call us today for more information about our mold remediation services.

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