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Where Does Moisture & Humidity Attract Pests in Your Washington Twp, NJ House & How to Fight It!

Uncovering a pest infestation in your home is something that no homeowner wants to deal with. If you have a pest problem, it is more than likely happening because you are providing them with one of the three things the pests need to survive: food, shelter or water. In addition, warm and moist areas also provide a breeding ground for mold and mildew that some insects eat. Today, we would like to talk about areas in your home that could be more prone to pest infestation because of a moisture problem. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to point out these areas where you should be watching for potential pest infestations because of moisture.

How Do I Fight Moisture, Humidity & Bugs in My House?

When it comes to pests, you can experience an infestation anywhere in your home. However, when there is moisture involved, you are far more likely to have a pest problem. Following are some areas in your home where you will be more likely to see pest activity:
– Kitchen: The kitchen should be an obvious choice for a pest problem. Not only are there several water sources inside this space, but there are also food options for pests as well. When you have a water leak anywhere in your kitchen it is important to fix it right away. Also, make sure you aren’t leaving behind even the smallest crumbs for pests to find as this can exacerbate the problem.
– Bathrooms: Another common hot spot for pest activity is in the bathroom. There are several areas where moisture can become a problem in the bathroom. Not only that, but there is a higher likelihood that mildew starts to grow because of the high moisture levels that are found in the bathroom. There are several pests that will feed off of mildew growth.
– Basement: The basement in your home has several things going for it as far as an ideal place for pest infestations. It is not uncommon for basements to have moisture issues as they are found under ground level. Also, the darkness that is often found in the basement is ideal for those pests that are nocturnal and thrive in the dark. The quiet, dark space is going to be extremely attractive to many different types of pests.
– Attic: One area of the home that many people don’t think about when it comes to moisture and pests is the attic. Whenever there is a leak in the roof, there can become a moisture problem in a hurry. This is why the attic is another common area in the house where pests can be prevalent. There isn’t much foot traffic in the attic as well which is appealing.

Pest Inspections & Control

If you have noticed that there is some pest activity in your home, it is important that you act quickly. A pest problem can quickly become an infestation. If you have pests, you can turn to the pest professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you nip it in the bud. Call us today!

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