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Do Mice Eventually Leave in the Spring in Washington Township, NJ? Rodents are a Problem All Year!

The last thing that any homeowner wants to have in their home is a mouse infestation. Most homeowners do everything in their power to keep these nasty little pests out. However, your home is so tempting that it isn’t always possible to avoid them. They sometimes get in even when you have taken drastic measures to keep them out. They are sneaky little creatures. While it’s common for mice to attempt to get inside during the winter, it can leave homeowners wondering if they will migrate back to the outdoors once the weather warms up. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about mice and what to expect this spring.

Mice are a Problem All Year Round

The wintertime is usually the time that most homeowners are concerned about mice in their houses. This is because mice will prefer to be outside if they can find a warm place to nest. They often infest fields filled with thick brush, old, abandoned buildings, and dense shrubs and trees. However, if they have found refuge in your home, they will likely stay there until you make them leave, regardless of how warm it is outside. If they are in your attic and it gets too hot in the summer, they will simply move to the basement or behind the kitchen cabinets where it is much cooler. If mice have gotten into your house, they will be difficult to remove on your own.

Mice Breed & Nest During Spring

There are many animals that will breed and have babies in the spring. Mice are some of them. They will breed more in the spring than any other time of the year. If you have a few mice in your home, you will find that in a manner of weeks that could increase to a few dozen mice in your house. The more mice there are, the harder it will be to get rid of them. This is why it’s so vital that you work to get rid of them at the first sight of them.

Signs of a Mouse Infestation

If you are worried about mice in your house, the best way to ensure your home is safe from their destructive nature is to watch for signs of their presence.
– Droppings in areas where they have been spending their time
– Ammonia smells due to the urine left behind
– Chew marks on the surface of materials they have used as chew toys
– The mice themselves as they scurry out of the room you walk into

Rodent Control

If you have noticed that there are signs of mice in your home, you can call on Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them. It is hard to get rid of them on you own. Our team of highly qualified technicians have the training and equipment needed to successfully rid your home of any rodents. Call us today!

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