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How Do I Make Sure My Firewood Doesn’t have Bugs in Absecon, NJ? Inspect Before Bringing In & More

As inviting as a roaring fire might be in your house on a cold winter night, it can be ruined in an instant if pests are gaining access into your house in the process. If you have a fireplace or a wood burning stove, chances are, you have a stack of firewood somewhere on your property as well. There are some preventative measures that you can take when it comes to storing your firewood that will help you eliminate the risk of a pest infestation in your home. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips to help you keep pests out of your firewood this winter.

How Do I Keep Bugs out of My Firewood?

Following are our best tips to help you keep pests out of your firewood and out of your house this winter:
– Stack Firewood Away from the House: It might be more convenient to stack your firewood closer to your house so that you don’t have to travel such a far way to get your firewood in the winter, but if there are any pests that build a home inside your firewood, they will have easier access to your house. You should stack your firewood at least 20 feet away from any entrance into your house.
– Store Firewood off the Ground: When wood comes in contact with the ground, it can lead to problems with pests such as termites and carpenter ants. Simply storing it up off the ground on something like cinder blocks, concrete or bricks can help eliminate that problem.
– Keep Firewood Dry: Another thing that you will want to make sure that you are doing keeping your firewood dry this winter. When wood becomes wet, it is much more desirable to pass like termites and Carpenter ants. Simply covering it with a tarp or some sort of shelter will help keep these destructive pests away.
– Inspect Firewood Before Bringing Inside: Before you bring any firewood into your house, you are going to want to inspect it to make sure that you aren’t bringing in any pests on accident. Simply shaking each piece of wood or knocking two of them together is a great way to make sure there are no pests hitching a ride into your house.
– Burn Firewood Right Away: Sometimes it it sounds appealing to have some firewood stored besides your fireplace or wood burning stove so that you don’t have to make as many trips out into the cold, but when you do this any pests that were on the wood will then be free to roam your home. Make sure you are burning the firewood right away and only bringing in as much as you need in that moment.

Year Round Pest Management

If you are struggling with any pest problems this winter, you can turn to Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get rid of them. There is no pest infestation too large for us to tackle. Call us today!

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