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Importance of WDIR Pest Inspection for Home Purchase in Bridgeton, NJ to Detect Termite Damage & More

When you are in the process of purchasing a home, there are several hoops you usually have to jump through before the process is complete. You need to know there are no major issues with the many systems that keep the home running. Another aspect of the buying process is a pest inspection. There are a number of reasons you don’t want to skip this important step. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about the importance of a wood destroying organism (WDO) inspection and Wood Destroying Insect Report (WDIR) when buying a home.

Termite Damage Can Be Hard to Find

Even if you think you know what you’re looking for, the damage caused by termites and other wood destroying organisms can be difficult to spot with an untrained eye. They can live within the walls for months without anyone having a clue they are there, wreaking havoc. An inspector that has been trained to find these insects can find them with ease if they have infested your home. Whether it’s slanted floors or hollow walls, we will find damage if it’s there.

Detection of Potential Pest Infestations

This is a tip that is especially helpful for new construction. If you have a pest inspection, the inspector will be able to clue you in on any potential threats that could lead to a later infestation. This could include wood siding that is making contact with soil, mulch that’s too close to the home or even decaying wood somewhere on the property that could end up causing a later infestation problem.

Pests Lower Home Value

Most people don’t want to deal with a home that has been the victim of termite infestation and damage. This could end up playing a large role in the negotiating process. If you are a seller and get the problem fixed before you list it, you could end up getting more for your home than you would had you waited to fix it until you are at the negotiating step. That’s why some sellers decide to get their home inspected before putting it on the market.

Is a Termite & WDO Inspection Required for a Conventional Loan

If you aren’t paying cash for your home, there are many lenders that require you to have a WDO inspection completed before they will fund the sale. If there were a termite infestation in the property, that would make it a high-risk investment that all lenders aren’t okay with funding. This is why a WDO inspection should always be part of the buying and selling process when it comes to real estate.

Wood Destroying Insect Reports

If you are getting ready to purchase a home or are even thinking about listing your home, it is a good idea to get a WDO inspection completely by the professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions. We have the specialized training to spot any inkling of damage that could be caused by wood destroying organisms. Let us help you protect your investment. Call us today!

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