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Identifying Indoor Mold Types on Walls, Carpets & Other Places in Marlton, NJ Homes & Businesses; Aspergillus, Penicillium & More

There are many types of mold that can grow in our homes. And there are some molds that are more harmful to people than others. Each type of mold will need its own level and method of removal and cleaning. Ross Environmental Solutions will share the different and most common types of mold that grow indoors and how you can prevent and treat this problem.

Identifying Different Types of Mold Found Inside Your New Jersey Home

Alternaria – Is a mold that is found indoors. This mold usually grows in damp places such as showers, sinks and leaky pipes. Alternaria can also be found in homes or business that have been flooded or victimized by other types of water damages. This mold spreads easily and quickly. For those with respiratory problems, it can cause allergies and asthma attacks.
Aspergillus – Is a nasty type of mold that causes allergic reactions and respiratory infections. This infection can lead to a health condition called pneumonitis which causes inflammation of the lungs. Aspergillus is one of the leading health risks in the mold family. Like all molds it looks black in color and you will see a lot of spots of this mold growing everywhere. It spreads quickly in areas exposed to moisture.
Aureobasidium – Is a mold that usually grows outside but occasionally will grow indoors. Aureobasidium grows on wooded surfaces and even wallpaper and painted surfaces. It is also found growing on window frames and caulking glue. This mold can be pink or even black in color. This mold likes to grow in hot humid areas like bathrooms and laundry rooms.
Botrytis – Like Aureobasidium, Botrytis mold likes to grow in hot humid places especially bathrooms or laundry rooms with poor ventilation. This type of mold can cause allergic reactions and asthma.
Chaetomium – is a mold commonly found growing on drywall, carpets and window frames which have been exposed to water or moisture damage. You will be able to smell this mold in the air due to the musty smell it gives off.
Cladosporium – This mold breaks the common rule that most molds like warm humid areas. Cladosporium grows in cool areas, as well as warm. This mold appears in fabrics, carpet and also wooden surfaces. This mold can cause respiratory problems that may require medical attention.
Penicillium – Is a mold found indoors that have been exposed to a lot of water damage. This mold will grow on any surface exposed to a lot of water, such as wooden surfaces, drywall, carpet, insulation and furnishings. Even beds, chairs, and couches can be affected by this type of mold. Being exposed to Penicillium can cause many medical problems, such as allergic reactions, chronic sinus infections, and inflammation of the lungs. This mold will appear blue or green.
Stachybotrys Chartarum – Stachybotrys Chartarum, also known as Black Mold, will have a black slimy appearance. It is also sometimes referred to as Toxic Mold. However, this mold isn’t toxic in itself. What it does is produce a toxic compound called Mycotoxins which does cause a multitude of health problems. The spores from this mold can cause several health problems such as chronic sinus infections, allergic reactions, breathing problems, asthma attacks, fatigue and even depression. This so called Black Mold will have a musty smell and needs constant moisture to grow.

Mold Removal, Remediation & Prevention

With the first sign of any mold, you can spray bleach to slow the spread. However you will eventually need to remove all items exposed to the mold. It is strongly recommend you hire a professional to remove the mold. It can become a serious health risk if done improperly. Ross Environmental Solutions can help remove and repair the areas contaminated by any type of mold. If you have discovered mold in your home, contact us today.

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