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How to Protect Yourself & Prevent Diseases from Mosquito Bites in Mount Holly, NJ

It’s no secret that mosquito bites can be dangerous to your health. These blood-thirsty insects carry several diseases that can have a great impact on your life. The best way to avoid getting a serious illness like the West Nile virus or the Zika virus is to avoid mosquito bites all together. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about the health risks mosquito bites carry as well as offer tips to help you avoid them in the first place.

Risk of Disease from Mosquito Bites

In the U.S., we have to deal with a couple of diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes, like West Nile Virus and Zika Virus. However, if you have traveled to other countries recently, you could also be at risk of diseases like Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever and Malaria among others. These are serious illnesses that shouldn’t be taken lightly. The best way to avoid them is to avoid mosquitoes all together.

What Keeps Mosquitoes from Biting You?

There are several ways that you can avoid mosquito bites as a whole. It just takes a bit of planning as well as knowledge.
Be Aware of Peak Mosquito Times– There are times of the day that you will see an increase in mosquito activity. It is best to avoid being outside unprotected during the early daylight hours as well as at dusk.
Wear the Right Clothing to Protect Skin from Mosquitoes– Wearing clothing that has long sleeves as well as pants, will greatly decrease the chances of you being bitten by mosquitoes.
Use of Insecticides to Prevent Mosquito Bites– There are several insecticides that are sold over the counter to help protect you from mosquito bites and do an excellent job.

Get Rid of Mosquitoes in Your Yard

During the summer, everyone wants to be able to enjoy the outdoors as much as possible. This might mean spending time during early daylight hours and at dusk when the temperature isn’t so hot. To avoid heavy mosquito populations in your yard, the key is getting rid of any standing water. You may find that you have standing water in bird baths and ponds. If this is the case, change the bird bath water frequently, or buy a device that keeps the water moving at all times. In ponds, you can have them treated as well as put fish in them that eat mosquito eggs and larvae. Also, try to keep your yard free of clutter like tarps and tires as well as trash. These tend to collect water from sprinklers as well as storms, and are the perfect place for mosquitoes to lay their eggs.

Mosquito Control

If you find that you are constantly battling the mosquito population, it may take more than just some preventative measures to get rid of them. The professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions have the tools as well as the training to help you treat your property for mosquitoes so you can enjoy spending time outside again. Don’t avoid spending time in your yard this summer due to mosquito infestation, call us to get rid of the problem for you.

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