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How to Prevent Termites in Marlton, NJ; Remove Old Tree Stumps, Use Direct Wood Treatment for Termites & More

It’s no secret that termites are one of the most destructive pests that can take over your home. If there is any way to avoid these pests, most people want to know about it and do everything in their power to ensure they don’t ever have to deal with a termite infestation. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips to help you reinforce your home so you don’t have to worry about attracting termites.

Remove Dead Trees & Old Tree Stumps to Prevent Termites

Anytime you have a tree that in need of removal, it is better that you remove it rather than leave it there. Not only does an unhealthy tree pose a threat to you and your home, but pests like termites are attracted to it. Once the tree is removed, the stump needs to go as well. This is the perfect snack for termites, and when they are done with that, they will move on to your house.

Use Direct Wood Treatment for Termites when Building Projects

If you are planning on building a raised flower bed, garden, retaining walls or other projects around your yard, it is best that you use termite treated wood. This will deter them from infesting your newly built structures. Or better yet make it of stone or brick.

Store Firewood Properly to Keep Termites Out of Wood Pile

You should never store any wood piles near your home. This is a breeding ground for pests like termites. You should always store your firewood at least 25 ft away from any entrance into your home. If at all possible, try to store it at least 6 inches off the ground as well. When it isn’t touching the ground, pests of all kinds are less likely to make a home there.

Repair a Broken Roof to Avoid a Termite Infestation

For obvious reasons, if your roof is in need of repair don’t wait. Not only would you be facing significant damage to your home after the next storm, the wet and rotted wood is going to attract termites as well. They are more attracted to wood that is soft and somewhat damaged than wood that is intact.

Termite Inspections & Treatment

If you find that you are seeing signs of termites in your home, don’t hesitate to call on the pest professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions for help. We will successfully get rid of any termites so that you aren’t facing steep costs in property damage. Call us today!

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