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How to Keep Spiders Away from Your House This Fall in Cherry Hill, NJ; Home Sealing Pest Entry Points & More

As the air starts to show signs of cooling, there are going to be several pests that are trying to find somewhere to hide out during cooler months ahead. Unfortunately, your home gives them everything they need; food, warmth and water. One pest that makes many homeowners shudder are spiders. These pests are creepy and will definitely try to get into your home if they have a chance. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to share some tips that will help you keep spiders from gaining access into your home this fall.

Home Sealing Pest Entry Points

It doesn’t take much of a crack for a spider to squeeze its way into your home. The smallest gap underneath your doorways or the cracks in the caulking around your windows will be enough to get the job done. You need to be vigilant when you are looking for entry points for spiders. Most of your focus should be around the doors and windows of your home. Before you leave your windows or doors open this fall, make sure the screens are in good condition. If you don’t have screens, it is best to keep them shut this time of the year.

Repair House Foundation Damage

It isn’t uncommon for foundations to get cracks and other settling issues. If there are any cracks in the foundation of your home, it is important that you fix these issues to avoid spiders using them as a doorway into the house. Checking this area on a regular basis is one of the biggest areas that will help you keep spiders out of your house.

Clean Up Debris Where Spiders Hide

Many spiders aren’t social creatures. They aren’t really looking to come in contact with humans. They will often look for places that they can hide and build a nest to hopefully catch their prey. If you have clutter around your home, it is wise to tidy things up to avoid a spider issue. You should also clear debris that are found around the exterior of your home as well.

Get Rid of Other Insects

Spiders will only build their nests where they are able to find other insects to feed on. If you have a significant number of insects in your home, you will be attracting more spiders to your residence. Having a pest control professional treat your home on a regular basis to keep the insect population down will help you also keep the spider population down too.

Spider Control

If you find that you have spiders in your home as well as other insects, it may be time to call on the pest professionals at Ross Environmental Solutions to help you get control of the situation. We know that no one wants to find a large number of insects in their home, and that includes spiders. Our experience and technique make us your best choice. Call us today!

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