How to Get Rid of Nuisance Birds in Mount Laurel, NJ; Bird Deterrents, Control Devices & More
There are a number of pests that invade and damage homes and commercial properties. Some pests can be difficult, if not impossible, to prevent, especially, birds. Where birds can fly wherever they like, it makes it hard to keep them off the roof, streetlights, and electrical poles, and away from other human structures. Ross Environmental Solutions will share some of the worst invasive bird species found in South New Jersey and how you can control them.
Why are European Starlings a Problem?
Throughout the state of New Jersey, you can often find European Starlings nesting on eaves and roof tops. European Starlings are black with white spots and when seen in the light, have beautiful blue, purple and green shimmers. These bird are easily identified with their lovely, regal colors. Despite their beauty, they are considered a pest as they tend to poop and nest everywhere they go. They are known to carry salmonella, blastomycosis, and histoplasmosis. As European Starlings can be hazardous as well as destructive, most commercial and residential properties seek professional help when it comes to controlling these birds.
House Sparrow Nests
House sparrows are found all across America and in great abundance along the east coast. These nuisance birds have easily adapted to urban environments. House sparrows are light brown in color, with the males having reddish brown hood like features on their head. House sparrows also have flashy patterns on their wings and on their back. They are not known to harbor any harmful diseases or viruses. They do, however, have high acidic properties in their droppings which can cause erosion, especially on roofs, eaves, fencing and streetlamps.
Invasive Feral Pigeons
Another super invasive bird species found all over the world are pigeons. Feral pigeons are highly invasive and will nest anywhere. They especially like to nest on rooftops. Pigeon droppings are also highly acidic which causes damage to roofs and other surfaces. Additionally, their droppings can harbor diseases such as salmonella, meningitis, encephalitis, and tuberculosis. Pigeons can also carry dust mites that are found on the feathers or in their nests, as well as fleas.
Visual Bird Deterrents & Repellents Spikes, Netting & More
When these top bird pests invade your home or business, there are a number of methods to help control and prevent damage or contamination. With professional pest control services, you can prevent birds from roosting, nesting and other damage they may cause. For roof tops, eaves, ledges and lamp posts, these areas can be protected with bird spike strips which prevent birds from landing on these areas. To prevent nesting, netting can be installed to protect coves, eaves, and underneath HVC units. Other deterrents can also be implemented such as automated sprinklers, lights and decoys which can be used to help make birds feel uneasy. To help prevent a major infestation problems, make every attempt to deny birds food and water on and around the property. Pigeons love nesting in areas where they can find a stable source of food or water.
Nuisance Roosting Bird Control
If you have nesting birds or other pest problems, call Ross Environmental Solutions. We provide wildlife removal, pest control and other related services. Contact Ross Environmental Solutions and schedule our quality services today!