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How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes Outdoors & Keep Mosquito Insects from Biting You in Burlington, NJ

Throughout the world, about 2,600 species of mosquitoes exist. 160 species are found in North America and 63 of those in New Jersey. Now is the time of year mosquito season is ramping up. Mosquitoes are emerging from their hibernation and ready to feed on our blood. With the arrival of spring and temperatures warming up, you can expect mosquito activity to increase. Ross Environmental Solutions will share how you can prepare your home and yard to reduce mosquito populations and what control methods are available so you can deal with the mosquitoes that may be flying around your property. New Jersey’s mosquito season is well underway as it began at the beginning of April. As you can see, it is time we get ready for this year’s mosquito invasion!

How to Prevent Mosquitoes in Your Yard

When preparing for mosquitoes this season, first take a walk around your property. Look for areas or items that may hold standing water. Mosquitoes are drawn to standing water. It is their breeding ground. Mosquitoes can deposit their eggs in very shallow water, so any standing water will house their eggs. This means you will have an even larger mosquito population. Some places to check for standing water are gutters, pot holes, ditches and garden equipment. Remove any large piles of debris where standing water may have found a home. Don’t over-water your lawn as it could cause it to pool in low areas. Your very first goal in mosquito prevention is to have a dry property where water won’t stand or accumulate from rain or sprinkler systems. Also look for leaks from outdoor plumbing and where water may have pooled for long periods of time.

How to Keep Mosquitoes from Flying Inside Your House

Your next step is to repair or replace any damaged windows or door screens to prevent mosquitoes from flying inside. Also look for any gaps in the doorway and windows where mosquitoes could fly into your home. You can also install yellow lights on your porches or patios. This doesn’t completely ward off mosquitoes but it does help.

Mosquito Control

While mosquito prevention is extremely important, you may still have mosquitoes around your property. Mosquitoes cause over 1000 different types of illnesses including dangerous diseases such as Zika Virus, Chikungunya and Encephalitis. This is why mosquito control should be taken very seriously. With mosquito season just starting, now is the time to prepare your home and property. If you find that you need help in controlling mosquito populations, contact Ross Environmental Solutions. We can and inspect your property for prospective mosquito breeding grounds and help safeguard your home.

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