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How to Get Rid of Lyme Disease Spreading Blacklegged Ticks AKA Deer Ticks in Ocean City, NJ

According to research from The Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies, 2017 is going to be a terrible year for ticks. Ticks are known carriers of Lyme disease and residents in South New Jersey should be particularly careful to take precautions and avoid contact with ticks. Scientists from The Cary Institute believe the increase in Lyme disease is due in part to the increase in the white-footed mouse population. Feeding on infected mice is the primary source for ticks to contract Lyme disease along with many other blood borne pathogens. The deer tick, also known as the blacklegged tick is especially prevalent in NJ and can be found in many areas including open fields, thick undergrowth and the grassy areas found around most homes and businesses. With the summer heat fast approaching and more and more residents spending time outdoors, the risk of being bitten by an infected tick increases exponentially.

Lyme Disease Prevalence by State

In 2015, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed that 95% of the confirmed cases of Lyme disease were found in 14 states including New Jersey. According to County agencies, employees are working to raise awareness levels and educate the public to keep the number of tick borne illness at a minimum. While the transmission of Lyme disease is higher during the warmer months, blacklegged ticks are active during the entire year as long as temperatures stay above freezing.

Tick Prevention; How to Prevent Ticks on Humans & Dogs

The knowledgeable experts at Ross Environmental Solutions recommend:
• When hiking, walk along trails that have been cleared or stay in the center of a trail to limit contact with brush, high grass and leaf litter.
• Wear thick white socks, long pants and long sleeved shirts in light colors. Light colored clothing makes it easier to see ticks. Whenever possible, tuck your pant legs into your socks to prevent ticks from crawling up the inside of your pants. If you find ticks on your clothing, remove them before entering your home.
• Apply insect repellents containing DEET to exposed skin and clothing to repel ticks. Follow the safety instructions carefully when applying insect repellents to children.
• Products containing Permethrin can be applied to clothing, shoes, boots and backpacks to kill ticks on contact. Hunter grade Permethrin will remain effective on clothing through several wash cycles. Never apply Permethrin directly to the skin.
• Once you return from your outdoor activities, check yourself over for ticks using a hand held mirror to inspect all areas of your body. Don’t forget to check your pets for any signs of ticks.
• If you find a tick on your person, use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close as possible to the surface of your skin.
• Remove the tick by pulling upward while applying even pressure. Never twist the tweezers or jerk them abruptly, doing so may cause the mouth parts of the tick to break off and remain lodged in the skin. If the mouth part breaks away, leave them alone to expel naturally. Trying to remove them can result in significant skin trauma and scarring.
• Once the tick is removed, carefully clean the entire area with rubbing alcohol, or soap and warm water.
• Avoid “old timer” remedies or fables such as suffocating a tick with clear nail polish and petroleum jelly, or using a hot needle to detach the tick from your skin.

Tick Yard Treatments

For tick prevention and control around your South New Jersey home or business, contact the knowledgeable experts at Ross Environmental Solutions today. We can handle all your pest control needs!

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