How to Get Rid of Fungus Gnats, Flies & Bugs in Your Indoor Potted Houseplants in Mount Holly, NJ
Having the right houseplants in your home will add a lot to the overall décor of the space. They add an organic element that isn’t captured any other way. When there is too much moisture or humidity around the soil of your houseplants, you can have problems though. You may start to notice little tiny flies start to appear and while the adults can be a nuisance, the larvae can cause big problems for your houseplants. Ross Environmental Solutions is here to talk about fungus gnats and what you can do to avoid them and control them.
Identifying Fungus Gnats
Adult fungus gnats are small grayish flies that hang out around the soil of your plants. They are about 1/8 inch long and are not considered strong fliers. You will notice the most activity when you water your plants. They will fly low to the soil during the watering process. The larvae are larger and about ¼ inch long. They have a shiny black head and a transparent, elongated body.
Fungus Gnat Lifespan
Adults only live about 7 days, but during that time, they can lay up to 300 eggs. This is why when you are treating your plants, you will have to do it several times until they are all gone and no more eggs or larvae are present.
Damage Caused by Fungus Gnats
Adult fungus gnats don’t pose much of a threat. They don’t bite, but rather hover and are considered a nuisance pest. The larvae, however, will cause damage to houseplants because they feed on delicate roots when the conditions are moist and favorable.
How to Avoid Fungus Gnats
The best way to avoid fungus gnats is to give any houseplant a thorough inspection before you purchase it. You will likely see traces of the pest if they are present before you even take the plant home. Once you have purchased a houseplant, you should remember that the plant gets its water from the bottom of the pot. You don’t need to keep the soil on top moist all the time. Avoid watering your plant until the top 1 ½ – 2 inches of soil is dry.
Getting Rid of Fungus Gnat Infestations
Following are some of the most effective way to get rid of fungus gnats when they are present in your houseplants.
• Let the soil dry out. These pests only thrive in moist soil.
• Yellow sticky traps can trap adult gnats and help avoid them laying anymore eggs.
• Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis is an effective and biological pesticide that will kill gnats even in larvae stage.
• Beneficial Nematodes are microscopic round worms that will work to feed on larvae and eggs present in your soil. They are long lasting and extremely effective in killing fungus gnats as well as other pests.
Gnat & Fly Pest Control
If you are having issues with flies in your home, you can count on Ross Environmental Solutions to eliminate any fly or other pest infestations found in your home. Call us today!